Chapter21: Caught

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Faith POV:

I woke up to my phone ringing. I looked at the caller I.D it was Nate.

Nate:hey ma



Me:just woke up

Nate:oh I was seeing did you wanna go on a date tonight

Me:sure what time




After I got off the phone I got up and took a shower. When I got out the shower I looked for something to wear I picked *outfit in media* I walked downstairs and saw my dad eating cereal. I fixed me a bowl.

After I ate. I went upstairs and got my backpack, phone, and phone charger. I walked back downstairs and my dad was waiting.



We got in his Bentley. Once we got to school I got out and went to my locker and got my books. I walked to first period and sat down I guess Nate wasn't here.

*after school*

After school I called Nate but he didn't answer. I decide to go to his house. When I got there I used the key under the mat. I walked in and heard screaming. Oh hell no. When I got upstairs he was ducking some girl.


They looked up at me it was that hoe.

Me:really Nate with this hoe

Nate:it ain't what it look like

Me:so you telling me am blind P.O.P hold it down

Nate:Faith she ain't shit

Me:well I could of told you that

Hoe:shut up

Me:didn't I just beat yo ass yesterday


Nate:.Faith am sorry

Me:you ain't nothing but a fuck boy

I walked out and ran home crying. I called my mom.


Me:mom can we hang out tomorrow


Me:alright bye

I went in the kitchen and saw my dad left a note. He went to the studio. I went upstairs took a shower and went to sleep.

(August Alsina) daughterWhere stories live. Discover now