Chapter 12: Out With A Bang

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  Within seconds the ice in my veins turned to anger. Beginning in a small flame it turned into a full fledged forest fire. My vision became clouded with red, all I felt was anger and hate. Every second that passed I could feel it rushing, coursing, flowing through my veins with unimaginable force through every thought, every piece of my being. They hurt him, and they will now suffer a long and painful demise. 

 "Screw this Cameron I'm telling" I mumbled and raised my voice to a yell. I knew they could hear me. It was part of the plan. "I am going down today! And I am TAKING YOU DOWN WITH ME! YOU DON'T KNOW WHAT YOU HAVE BROUGHT UPON YOURSELVES" The anger was a never ending flood blocking any rational thoughts I could have possibly had. "I MIGHT BE GOING DOWN TODAY BUT AT LEAST IT'S NOT FOR NOTHING"

 I lowered my voice to a deep menacing growl. " You hurt him in ways no one could have ever thought possible. This man did not deserve what you gave him. And you are going to get it back. Come pick on someone your own size. We had a plan. You have just made a big mistake." By now I had been standing walking back and forth, putting on an extravagant show, except it wasn't a show. 

This wasn't part of the plan. Across Cameron's body was cuts bruises, scrapes, burns and even bone his legs had been twisted and even in only four months I had seen enough to know that he had a dislocated shoulder. There were rope burns all over him, his clothes in tatters. He was suffering by just sitting up. He was in no condition to do anything, he was on the brink of unconsciousness and if he wasn't taken care of soon he wouldn't make it. A wave of nausea hit me and I doubled over in pain. I didn't know what I had gotten myself into, but I knew it wasn't good.

 "Raina what are you talking about! I thought you said-" Lena was interrupted by a scratchy static voice coming to life from the walls around us.

 " You pompous arrogant little girl! You claim to be good but you are nothing better than that weak gay boy that you speak for. The DS has fallen behind in the times, the other agents they sent, I think you might know them? The Atkins Agents? Ring any bells? Those two by far went down the easiest. Easier than your little screaming act. Made great practice dummies those two did. You're too late for them. It has been four months. Four months and you didn't even try to come for them! If only you were a week earlier you could have saved them. If you want some comfort, they died in eachothers arms. While being shot at. Oops, did I forget to mention that? Well they were together to the very end. They died right where you're standing you know. It-"

 "Shut up you son of a-"

 "Ah-ah-ah my dear, no talking for you. You had your turn now it's mine! Better prepare yourself for what's coming to you, just ask your little friend there, he should know. I guarantee you make it out of this so better say your goodbyes! You have two minutes!" The voice shut off. In the seconds following the end of the voice.

I heard three Rainas and one Cameron.

 "What the hell do you think you are getting yourself into I was already in there with him! And look at what happened to-" Cameron stopped. He was still worried about Stacy. 

 "God what an idiot. Raina what am I supposed to do if you leave me! Huh? Then what happens! Why would-" Max began yelling.

 "MAX, CAMERON! Get a hold of yourselves. We need to think quickly we only have a minute left. Then you are explaining to me what just happened." Lena started to take control of the situation but this was my team. 

 "No. No plan. I am going to get you guys out of here and then I swear that I will be right behind you. I made this mess and I am going to clean it up. They are going to come down and take me. Let them. I am not going to tell you what my idea is but wait for my signal. You will know what to do. Don't worry and don't panic. Got it everythin-" A door slammed near us and stopped my talking.

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