The Joys of Miitomo

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What better way to start off a weird book with the horrors me and my friends have made with Miitomo?
Probably a few things that I haven't thought of yet.

For anyone who doesn't know, Miitomo is a free app made by Nintendo where you can create "miis", answer questions asked by your mii, and visit your friends' miis.

For anyone who doesn't know, Miitomo is a free app made by Nintendo where you can create "miis", answer questions asked by your mii, and visit your friends' miis

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This is mine :D ^
I've had experience making terrible deformed mii creations since I was 4.

This one belongs to one of my friends, AshleyIsAmazon Edit: Her name now is WishingForWaffles

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This one belongs to one of my friends, AshleyIsAmazon Edit: Her name now is WishingForWaffles. I vaguely remember seeing a guy in real life who looks like this, but I don't know his name.

 I vaguely remember seeing a guy in real life who looks like this, but I don't know his name

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This one is from another friend of mine, Emmas_cupcakes. She is the only one who put an effort toward making it look like a normal human being. -applause-

The miifoto thing is pretty darn fun btw.
Here are some pictures I've created...

Here are some pictures I've created

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(This one is of us doing karate with Emma)

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(This one is of us doing karate with Emma)

(This one is of us doing karate with Emma)

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This one is with some of my other miis.

I hope you enjoyed this and didn't get freaked out like most people probably were!


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