Everything that I hate about my terrible middle school

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I've been to three different schools in my life, and this one is by far the worst. Since today (May 18th) is the last day of my stupid school before summer break, I thought I would make a little chapter about everything that it did wrong. Readers in middle school and maybe in high school could probably relate to this.

 Readers in middle school and maybe in high school could probably relate to this

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Reason 1: we have to wake up at the  crack of dawn (6:00 AM) This is so unfair. I've actually done a little research on this and it's true that teenagers can stay up until 11:00 PM under no influences. There's been many times when I have felt sleep deprived in school simply because I couldn't fall asleep. Hatred rating: 3/5

You are required to respect teachers yet they don't have to respect you: there are a lot, for an unexplained reason, of teachers who just seem to hate children and demand respect from them, no questions asked. I am not saying that all teachers are bad and don't respect you. For the most part, teachers are pretty decent. There are just some teachers around my school that just never reason with their students and yell at them like they're inmates or something... I understand that being a teacher is a hard and sometimes unfair job, so I'll go easy on this one. Hatred rating: 3/5

NO RECESS: I really, really, really hate that we don't get recess in middle school. I remember how much fun running around in elementary school was and I hate that instead of that we have to do more work. It's not fair. Is it because we're older that we don't deserve to have fun? Because the teens in my school haven't matured a bit. The only "maturity" I can see is their frequent cursing and inappropriate jokes. And the fact that recess is becoming less and less used in schools (at least in the US) makes me want to light something on fire. Like those paperback math workbooks that we brought home from school on the last day. Hatred rating: 923838/5

Gross school food: School food is well, disgusting. I luckily have been spared the challenge of eating school food for most of this year since I finally started bringing my lunch from home, but for many years I had to eat absolute garbage. I think it's because schools have a very low budget on producing food. Maybe the school food you had to eat wasn't bad, but my school's food definitely was. Here are my reviews on some of the "cuisine" they serve at my school.

Pizza- dripping with grease and usually soggy or cold. I can never bring myself to eat the whole thing.
Macaroni- usually cold and the "cheese" tastes more like water and than macaroni... Thingies are tasteless. Tastes pretty much like soggy nothingness.
Cheeseburgers- oh dear, these were awful. The burger buns were usually smushed to the point of being flat and were the worst part of the burger. It belongs in a burgatory. (Purgatory + burger)
The meat didn't taste the worst, but wasn't pleasant to eat either. Also there were always green things in them that looked like boogers.
Corn dogs- distinctly, I hated the taste of these the most. The breading on the corn dogs was really thick and soggy. The meat inside had yellow spots on it, which probably was a bad thing. I hate these things.
Chicken tenders- out of all the menu items, these were probably the soggiest. I remember getting one time, and it was served on fast food paper.

You know, this stuff ^Anyway, the cheap dye used to color the paper mixed onto the bottom of the soggy chicken tenders and turned it red

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You know, this stuff ^
Anyway, the cheap dye used to color the paper mixed onto the bottom of the soggy chicken tenders and turned it red. Ew, just thinking about it makes me cringe. Hatred rating: 2/5

IT'S SO BORING!: One of the biggest reasons I hated going to school is because it WAS SO BORING. Everything felt like a chore and rarely came along a project that I enjoyed. If there are students falling asleep in class simply because school is boring (and not just because of their lack of sleep) that may be a hint that they're doing something wrong. Nothing in school interested me (even art class [i loved making art] managed to be boring and repetitive). Hatred rating: 5/5

Standardized testing: What person would ever think that this is a good idea? Because it isn't. Judging millions of students with one test is not going to prove someone's total abilities. Not to mention they are terribly, terribly boring and I feel like putting no effort into them whatsoever. Hatred rating: 4/5

So those were some of the things I hate about my school (and probably what you hate about yours as well). I really hope that it gets better for everyone who has is unfortunate enough to go to my school or a school similar to it. Or people who go to worse schools (I feel sorry on a deep level for you).


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