Sometimes I need to talk to you at night
Cause some things give me such a fright
I know you need your sleep
But it's hard for me to count sheep
I know you've been having nightmares too
Sometimes they make me blue
Sometimes my anxiety keeps me up
And I can't even get love from my pup
I always want to be there for you
But I always want you to be there for me too
I feel kind of selfish to ask this of you
But would you stay up with me too
I want to talk about my worries
Like what if I get attacked by a hoard of furries
I know it seems weird and dumb
Sometimes I want to fix my problems with rum
I'm sorry that I bother you with things like these
Can I just say Oh no not the bees
I want to have late night talks like we used to
But now everything seems different and new
We don't stay up till 4 in the morning
Talking and laughing then end up snoring
I miss those days when life wasn't so bad
We all stayed up late hating my dad
I know I don't have that other friend anymore
But I still want to talk to you so open up at 4
I know you're probably asleep right now
But I wanna talk about a cow
My thoughts run wild at night
Sometimes they give me such fright
Thinking about serial killer clowns or death
What if I happen to take my last breath
I don't want you to feel bad at all
Sometimes I just bawl
Because I have no one to talk to
But I don't wanna bother you
I think about death a lot
But when I'm with you I dare not
I'm sorry about this whole poem
At night I just feel really alone

Depressing Poems
PuisiThis is just a collection of poems written by me. Trigger Warning for the whole entire book. Please be warned.