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Don't you understand
I still think you're so grand
I listen to breakup and love songs
Now I listen to a guy sing about thongs
I miss being your friend
Now I want this to end
I want to talk to you again
No pain no gain
I know that you probably don't miss me
But I was the lock and you were the key
I want to write you paragraphs of love
I want my words to fly like a dove
I know you most likely won't see this
But if you do I miss when we'd kiss
I miss seeing your smile
I've noticed it's been gone for a while
Do you have a girlfriend yet
I was so confident in my bet
I thought we would date another time
Now life has given me a lime
This isn't a lemon, its worse
Just carry me away in a hearse
Did you see my last text
I don't know what's next
I hate this rollercoaster
I would rather have death by toaster
I want you to be happy, yes I do
But your for me, not for someone new
You're the one I'm in love with
And I know I can act like a Sith
You're my 11:11 wish
At least now I think I'm pretty-ish
I'm going to talk to you soon
Before it becomes June
I love you
I hope you still love me too
Forever and always
I miss walking with you in the hallways
To the moon and back
Without you my heart is black

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