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Dallas Winston: should I go out with Sylvia again?

Johnny Cade: she ugly.

Dallas Winstonshe's like a angel to me...

Ponyboy Curtis: *vomits* what am I looking??

Dallas Winston: at our convo.. Tf is wrong with you..

Johnny cade: ay pony, can you prove my point here?

Ponyboy Curtis: ummmmm no

Sodapop Curtis: yeah.. Anyways I'm still looking for pony's butt.

Bob Sheldon: what do you guys want?

Dallas Winston: who invited this idiot? Huh? Any answers??

Bob Sheldon: who you calling an idiot... I have way more better education than you..

Dallas Winston: Oh yeah I can beat you up in 5..4..3...2-

Ponyboy Curtis: *grabs popcorn*

Johnny cade: *steals popcorn*

Dallas Winston: 1...1 and a half

Bob Sheldon: I'm so scared... *laughs*

Dallas winston sended a picture

Dallas winston sended a picture

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Dallas Winston: see?

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