☾ Luna ☽

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Chapter Five

Luna stayed in her office as slowly everyone disappeared to the arena. She put her face in her hands. She was mad at herself, for breaking down like that for no reason. Why'd she do that? She had no idea. She sighed and then grabbed her paperwork that had been abandoned. She stayed there, her mind lost as she signed paper after paper, staying there for god-knows-how-long.

Once she had finished that stack, she turned to glance at the clock. 18:47. She still needed to have that dinner with everyone. Except, she didn't want to. An hour of paperwork had calmed her down, but she really didn't want to face everyone. Well, she didn't want to face her friends with their questions, and she didn't want to face William with his arrogance and coldness. She didn't know why she even married him.

She saw her friends and how happy they were. Admittedly, their relationships weren't perfect, but the boys were all thoughtful and caring. Jett put up with all of Liberty's nonsense. Hunter put up with Harmony's temper. Destiny's put up with her shyness about everything. Sure, Luna had flaws, but William didn't put up with anyone.

She gave a groan and trudged down the corridor to the Dining Hall. As expected, everyone was waiting for her. They were all clean and fresh from showers, most likely because they'd been too sweaty after arena practice. Luna didn't even try to fake a smile, grabbing a plate of food from Chef Karina and mumbling a thank you.

She took her seat, and picked at her food as she glanced up. "What? Continue on with your conversation."

"Jett won't give me daily anything," Liberty grumbled sadly.

"Gods Lib, I was kidding, William doesn't visit me daily or anything. Plus, Jett gives you everything, so quit complaining." Luna rolled her eyes as she took a small bite out of the food.

"But I still want daily stuff..." Liberty mumbled through a mouthful of chocolate cake.

"You're kidding me, right? Here, Lib. I'll get you daily cups." Luna said sarcastically, and Harmony, who had currently been making silent, unknown conversations with Destiny, sighed.

"Luna, quit moping."

Luna raised her eyebrows. "I'm not moping."

"Jett..." Liberty whined, turning to her exasperated boyfriend. "Pleeeeeeaaaaaaase?"

"Fine," he grumbled. "I'll get you some Forseigna fudge tomorrow."

Liberty brightened, and proceeded to shovel more desserts into her mouth.

Luna gave a groan. "Are you kidding me, Jett? Really?" Luna was really close to leaving. Honestly, everyone was grating on her nerves. Well, she knew she was annoyed because of William, who had been silent this whole time. It wasn't fair to take her anger on her friends.

"Well, Liberty could you not try to get me to persuade your boyfriend to do something for you every time?" Hunter asked, sighing and glancing at Harmony. Luna looked at Harmony as well and saw that she wasn't intent on joining in the usual dinner conversation, and instead wanted only to talk quietly with Destiny.

Luna gave a sigh and scooted her chair over to Destiny, farther away from William, where she could talk with her friends. "Mind if I borrow her for a moment?" She turned to Harmony, though she found all her friends on the other side of the table and William across from her.

"Honestly? Why am I sitting across from him?" Luna asked, disgust obviously as she stood up. She was fed up with everything now. Well, mainly just that someone sitting across from her.

"Sorry Luna, but honestly it's sad seeing you moping around like everything in the world is wrong. I mean I get that you're frustrated or even sad, but bear with us for now?" Jett said, glancing at Luna and back at Liberty, who was staring at Jett expectantly. "What?"

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⏰ Last updated: May 13, 2016 ⏰

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