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Zoe's P.O.V

“Mother, I am home!” I announce, slamming the rickety door behind me. She greets me with a sugar filled kiss on the cheek, careful not to coat us both in cake batter.

“Honey, could you go into town, and fetch some fruit?” She holds up a pouch of coins.

“I guess,” I sigh, causing her to give me that look suggesting I am being unreasonable. I snatch the coins from her. “I will be back momentarily.”

Closing the door behind me, I brace myself for the bitter cold fall air as winter begins to take affect. My boots start crunching the leaves littering the road through the village where the people build the tents. As I pass a baker’s stand, the delicious scents of freshly baked pastries comes to warm my senses. I drift toward the man who seemed to have ran off to tend to the bread. Casually running my fingers across the tablecloth, one just happens to nudge a muffin, still warm from the oven. It just so happens to take a liking to the sleeve of my coat as I begin to walk away, only to run into a solid wall. More like the body of a man.

My eyes trail up to the welcoming face of a man standing nearly a foot over me. “Do not think I did not see that,” he tells me playfully before sliding his hand down my arm. I allow him to remove the muffin from within my sleeve. “I will let you off this time… if I get a bite of it first,” his milky golden eyes remind me of a cat’s eyes, except his are much more beautiful.

“You seem to take a liking to picking on innocent girls like myself,” I say sarcastically, making him laugh slightly. The sound makes my heart flutter and- wait, what am I thinking?

He takes a bite of the muffin, being able to fit half of it in his mouth before returning it to me. “And what might you be doing here?” He asks, genuinely curious.

“Errands,” I sigh, stuffing the pouch of coins in my pocket.

“Mind if I join you?” He asks.

“Only if you tell me your name,” I say, watching as he sweeps his silky chestnut-colored hair to the side.

“Luke,” he bows ever so slightly and looks up at me with an amused look upon his face. “And you are?”

“Zoe,” I accept his motion as he sweeps up my hand, swiftly placing a delicate kiss on its surface.

“Pleasure meeting you,” he straightens, dropping my hand as a voice sounds from beside us.

“Who is this?” I groan at the sound of Noah as he slips a teasing hand over my shoulder. At this Luke visibly frowns, which surprises me. His sadness, or anger, does not seem to match his complexion.

“Do you not have somewhere to be,” I elbow his stomach and shove him away.

“I cannot let my brother’s friend get mixed up in the wrong crowd,” he pulls me into a bone-crushing hug that I cannot escape as he loudly kisses the top of my head. I thrash around, finally succeeding in my escape.

“Come on,” I tow Luke away from Noah.

“My brother will be hearing about this!” He shouts after me.

“Shut up!” I snarl over my shoulder, then catching Luke’s eye as he stares at me intently for an explanation. I can see him asking, What was that about? “Do not worry about him, he is always causing trouble,” I reassure him, stilling clinging onto his hand as though my life depends on it.

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