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Chapter TWO! of Moonlight. And yes, I am still bored (sigh) CURSE YOU BOREDOM! lol, ANYWAY! I hope you enjoy Chapter TWO! of Moonlight :D

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Luke's P.O.V

Cool night air sets in, casting the forest into the deep shadows. My night senses come alert, allowing me to prowl across the landscape. The moonlight can scarcely be seen through the leaves on the autumn trees, though it makes it much easier to view my surroundings. A howl sounds in the distance, causing my ears to perk up in response.

Luke, you may want to see this! Comes the worried whimper of my fellow pack member.

By the worried tone she uses, I know it is not good. I turn on my heals, allowing my instincts to take over and lead me toward the commotion as the wolves around begin to gather around the source of the call. At my presence, everyone seems to part way as I trot toward the center where the female beta, Dakota, lies in a pool of her own blood. A silver arrow is pinned to her thick fur coat. Beside her lies a hunter appearing in his late twenties.

The fallen beta’s mate howls in distress, his words sting as he begins to blame this on me. “You were the one who sent us out here, Luke! If only we had stayed in the old territory this would have never happened! How could Fate be so cruel!” He cries, covering his muzzle with his forepaws, heart clearly broken. “I cannot live without her! I will kill myself!”

“Evan, do not think such things!” I bark, racing to his side as I nuzzle my snout against his neck to get him back up to his feet. “The pack needs you! I need you as a strong beta, do you understand? I know, losing Dakota is a huge loss, not only for you but for all of us, and I believe that if we-”

“Everyone, stop! I think she stirs!” One of the members howls, causing Evan to break out of his trance to come to his mate’s side.

I watch as he soothes her ruffled fur, stopping near the silver arrow. She moans in agony, speaking what seems like gibberish to Evan. The sight of the two of them together makes my heart ache for someone I may call my own, but having a mate may stop me from concentrating on pack problems and concerns. I would get behind in work if I were so caught up in my love life, even though whoever the lucky one may be she would help me with the pack. Who’s to say that the pack will even accept her?

Dakota brings me back to reality with her high pitched howls as one of the pack members attempts to remove the arrow. “Stop! Do not touch it!” I startle the female wolf as I march over to speak with the pack. “We need help bringing Dakota back safely. Someone, rush back to notify the healer.”

“On it!” A wolf departs from the pack, racing through the trees back to the pack house nearly ten miles from here.

“Luke,” her raspy voice calls me forth. I lean down to look her in the eye. Her usually chocolate depths have acquired a deeper color filled with the pain she feels. “I-I do not th-think I can make it that f-far,” she stutters.

“Do not say that, Dakota!” Evan begs. “You will make it, I will be sure of it,” he lodges his snout underneath her stomach, sliding her over his neck and onto his back. She moans in pain as we start off.

“Mackenzie, see to it that Dakota feels as little pain as possible on the way back,” I demand. With a small bow of her head, she catches up with Evan and begins speaking to Dakota in a low voice I can barely hear from where I stand.

Upon approaching the house, I allow myself to take on my human form before exiting the forest. My paws split into fingers, connecting towards the human flesh rolling up my arms and on my bare chest. I reach into the hallow log, dressing in the clothes I have hidden there for my own purpose. As I cover the top over my stomach, I begin jogging out to the house where barely anyone is seated except for Evan in his human form. He paces the room outside the kitchen; face distraught with worry.

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