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Just like to note that at this time I had no idea what the hell pokerabies were but the story is still funny. Also, Guardian and Space Horse were not in the group at this time.

SB: Queezard, watch out, the pokerabies


HBQ: yes the pokerabies they bring the death of mega titties!!

SALQQ: What are you even saying. And why do I assume you know what you are saying?! *taken over by pokerabies*

SB: Oh no the pokerabies they have queezard, Quasimodo, what do we do?

HBQ: We must use the rocket launchers of doooom! *produces launchers out of nowhere*

SB: YES! Use them on the pokerabies!!

SALQQ: *Is covered in the pokerabies that are quite harmless and cute* Guys, I'm fine and WHY DO YOU HAVE ROCKET LAUNCHERS!! Stop and think for 5 minutes you idiots!

HBQ: Silence Queezard, we shall save you!

SB: No, it is too late, she has died. RIP Space Alien Lizard Queen Queezard.

HBQ: we shall avenge you!

SALQQ: *in the background* I'm not dead!!

WG: Queezard, Sentient Bread, Quasimodo, What's happening?

SALQQ: *sigh*

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