Chapter 1

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Hi hi everyone. I am apologizing in advance for my story because im sure it stinks, and it definitely has bad grammar.

" Haha you're such a loser, Hazel!"

Yup, that's what everyone says to me. But do I mind? Nah! Its cool!

" Hahaha you know it, Natalie! " I said with a friendly push.

For those of you who don't know Natalie, she's all right. Just ask any boy at our school. They are all in love with Natalie. Not to be mean though, but to me she looks like any other girl. She has sharp piercing green eyes, black frizzy hair, soft white skin, and an athletic figure. AND YET MANY BOYS LIKE HER.

Now why they don't like me is weird, I mean, no other girl is up to my sexiness! I've got black long soft hair, amazing light skin, and a tall amazing fit athletic figure. PSHH I WISH! That does not describe me at all! I have dark brown hair that people often mistake for black, dark brown eyes, an ok face I guess, and a super skinny figure.

Well that's enough describen' so back to our story-

" So you walkin home or what?' asked Natalie

" Nah, im just gonna walk to that wierd tree over there then my moms friends gonna pick me up" I said in response

" Alright cool see ya later," she strated walking when turned around and added " loser! "

I watched her until she was swarmed by like a million boys and then I started my journey to the faraway tree that was like only 10 feet away.Deciding that i didn't want to just walk, I paused and took out my favorite book. Now many of you are probably wondering what my favorite book is. Well it is no other than all the Harry Potter books. You see, since you dont know me at all that well you should at least know that I think that life is useless withought Harry Potter. I AM OBSSESED WITH HARRY POTTER. So anyways I went on my way to the wierd lop-sided tree,bieng carefull enough to not step in the big pile of mud besides it, and sat in its shade reading Harry potter, when suddenly before I knew it I was drooping wet with mud from head to foot. I had a few seconds to choose a couple of swear words before I looked up and saw that my moms friend had just decided to run her car through the big pile of mud, which immediately splashed upon me.She looked at me in dispelief and asked-

" WHAT did you just say?!?! "

" Ummm..." I said my mind working overtime "I said...."

" Get in the car."

" Am i in trouble?" I asked , dreading the answer.

" Does it look like I'm yo' mom?"

" But are you gonna tell my mom?" I asked with a slight quiver in my voice

" Pshh no Im not gonna deal with that shit" she said " now here wipe yourself with this towel"

It took me what seemed like three hours to wipe myself of all the mud from my hair, clothes and inner shirt. Once done I stumbled into the car and sat down on its soft ripped seatbelt less seats. Before I could even close the door, the car took of at top speed. Thrown backward by the speed I managed to close the door and get over my shock. I grabbed the towel to wipe my book clean just as she blasted her tunes at top volume. Now to you this would be the worst ride ever, but I was used to it. I opened my book and continued reading only stopping when she did very sharp turns that would knock me right of the seat. Now she seemes like an iresponsible grown up right? Well thats just the way Juanita is. She has long black hair that reach her bottom, many piercings, a very make up full face and an athletic figure. She likes to blast her music super loud and driving like crazy.

But its her and thats all that matters :)

So anyways she dropped me off at my apartments and I trudged of to my house longing a bath as I left muddy foot prints behind me.

I walked into my house afraid of my mother's reaction to me drooping with mud, but lucky for me she wasnt there. So I dropped my muddy belongings in the patio before going to the bathroom.There I undresed and climed into the shower. One long warm shower later I washed my muddy belongings and then decided to start my homework.

Then I heard the clink of the mail,

and thats when the letter that would change my life came


hello anyone that is bothering to read this! update coming soon

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