Chapter 5

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" NO NO NO " i shouted as i franticly searched for the paper that i would never find

I got off my bed and climed under my bed. I shuddered, ive always hated dark and small places.

plus it was quite, unnaturaly quite until-

My ringtone shot out at full volume.

Alarmed i straitend myself only to hit my head on the metal under my bed.

" OWWW" i cried in agony as i climed out of under my bed.

Rubbing my head i grabbed my phone to read:


from: 562-305-6340

hey are you okay?

11-13-13 8:35


< what the-?> i asked my self < ive never seen that number>

So i ignored it.

I decided to go eat something. I was about to open the fridge when i realized- i dont know how to cook.

< whatever ill just eat out>

And thats when i realized something else- My mom didnt leave me any money.

" DAMN YOU MOTHER!!" i shouted as i threw a dictionary across the room.

i was about to shout and throw more things when i noticed an envelope where the dictionary was a couple of seconds before

Wondering what the hell it was, i grabbed it and ripped it open and out fell- a note and cash.

i picked the note up and read it:

here honey i have enclosed you 1,000 dollars for food and other needs. Spend it well.


Now any other normal girl wouldve immediatly gone to the mall with jer bffs and spent half of the money.

but scince im a no life i decided to just invite natalie to go with me to the Eastern Buffet.

So i walked over to the phone and called her.

" hello?"

" hey Natalie wanna come to the eastern buffet with me? "

" Sure! Do i have to pay for my meal or...."

" Nah ill pay! "

" COOL! let me tell my mom hold on "

i heard mumbling in the background then a bit of arguing.

" UGH my mom said that i have to take my brother along. "

" thats cool ill pay for him too- wait wich brother? "

i heard mumbling in the background again

"er...... Angel"

" ya ok"

" ok my mom will give us a ride "

" ok bye"

" bye "

i ran up stairs to grab my jacket and phone. as soon as i picked up my phone i had another message.


from: 562-305-6340

I know your mad at me but plz just answer!

11-13-13 8:59



It was the same number as before.

Thats when i heard the beep outside my house.

I ran down the stairs only pausing to grab the money.

i came outside to see natalies car parked in my driveway.

" cmon slowpoke! " she laughed " youll sit in the back with my brother"

< ok angel likes me, gotta look cute>

i fluffed my hair and tested my breath. I opened the door to find not angel but


Caught of gaurd, i immeadiatly started blushing.

" hey" he said with his cute smile.

" HMP" i said as i stepped into the car. I sat down in its seats and stared out the window so i didnt jave to face him. But that backfired because i could see his reflection in the glass.

Lucky for me, Natalie turned around in her seat and started to talk to me.

The ride wasnt that long so in no time at all we were at the eastern buffet. My favorite plc in the world.

I got off and so did natalie and gustavo .

Unable to hold my exitement, i grabbed natalie and pulled her inside. The smell of chineese food overwelmed me and i started to smile like a dork.

I payed the guy at the desk for the three of us while natalie and gustavo found a table.

I stepped into the maze of tables and if natalie wouldnt have yelled my name i wouldve never found them.

i walked over to the table and handed them their trays. then i noticed that our tabl was a triangle table. Natalie had the end and that meant that, i would have to sit next to gustavo !

Well watever, ill just be soo busy eating to notice him.

i grabbed my tray and set off for the food section. I piled my tray up high eith my fav foods ( chicken, french fries, white noodles, and pizza if your one of those who cares)

I sat back down and we all started eating. Natalie and I talked the whole time while gustavo sat eating looking preety left out. But what was he expecting after he said all those things about me?

Natalie was the first that finished so she waited for us at the car.

I did not want to be left alone with Gustavo, i murmured something about the bathroom and headed off.

I walked into the bathroom, and glad to find it empty, I looked at myself in the mirror and started talking to my self.

" ok just go out there and quikly wolf down your food and leave!" i talked to myself

" ok go out there and dont be afraid-" and an old lady walked in " - toodoooloodoo washing my hands" i sang.

I walked out just as a young 21 yearold guy came out of the boys bathroom. I laid against the wall thinking to myself. Then i noticed that the guy that came out of the bathroom kept on looking at me. I started to walk to the table when i saw that that guy was following me. I picked up the pace, and so did he. I started to run but he caught me.

He was about to cover my mouth when i shouted at the top of my lungs " GUSTAVOO!!! "

All i saw was him running towards me as the guy draged me out and threw me into the back of a truck.

My head hit something HARD and i felt blood go down my head.

I heard gustavo shout my name and then everything went black.

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