Pitiful Annoyances

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"Go away, Chel!"
"Not unless you take back what you said!"
"What??! I'm only telling the truth!"

Oh boy...
If you were a student at Arthridge High, then this wouldn't surprise you one bit.

Why, you may ask? Oh, because those two idiots just can't go a day without yelling at each other. It's nothing harmful, just annoying to everyone else.

"Why can't both of you shut up?!" I finally snapped.

"YOU SHUT UP, JEN!" They shouted in unison.

Uhh... how does this logic work? They always fight each other, almost never getting along at all, and yet, they work SO WELL together. I mean, when an assignment requires students to work in pairs, those two are literally the LAST people you would see in a pair. On the contrary, however, they always find a way to be on top. Every. Single. Time.

I mean, if I didn't know any better, I'd say the two would make a great...

"Leave me alone, Chel!"
"I'll leave you alone after you take back what you said, A-hole!"


"Darn it, will you two cut it out?! I'm the one in the middle here," I said after another minute of their bickering. "Besides, what on earth could Andy have possibly said that's SO horrible, Chelsea?"

"Oh, you wanna know so much, huh? Why don't you tell her, Andy?!" Chelsea growled at him.

"You were the one who told it to me, idiot!" He answered back to her.

"Apparently you don't know what a joke means!"
"Oh, I actually know a good one. Your love life!"
"Really? Because at least I had a few dates. How many dates have you had? Hmm.. maybe less than your IQ level, which is saying a lot!"
"Oh, good one! Where did you get that joke, if I could call it one? From your ex's past girlfriends?"

I had to walk away from them before my urge to smack them both got to the breaking point.

"You know what, guys? You can finish the project yourselves. Student credit isn't worth it if I'm working with you two," I said and left them. Before I could get far, though, Chelsea grabbed my arm.

"Woah, wait Jen! Look. We're sorry, him particularly," she said while glaring at Andy. "We'll try to get along just for this project with you, okay? It's just hard for me and him to get along, you see,"

"Oh, I can see that, alright!" I said while looking at both of them. "So, promise to keep the fighting down?"

"We know this project is important for you, Jen. We'll get along for now, which is already taking a lot of effort, you know," said Andy while smirking.

"Well, thanks for the extra effort, I guess," I couldn't hold back the laughter before I said it. Just then, the bell rang, cutting off our conversation. "Owp! Better get to class! Bye, guys. And get along, okay?"

"Alright! Bye, Jen!" Chelsea called out to me.

'I'm sure those two will get along,' I thought. Of course, after a few seconds I looked back and saw them start a new round of arguments. 'Oh boy...'

This was going to be a long day...


"Hey, Meathead!"

Not this guy again. I thought he gave up when I won a game of dodgeball against him.

"What now, Wilton?" I asked with a bored face.

"That's Bill to you!" He shouted in my face. I didn't know what was worse; his voice, his attitude or the stench of his breath.

"Oh, I'm sorry," Hehe. Sarcasm. "What now, BILL?!" I said and shoved him for good measure.

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