You lay down with dogs, you get up with fleas

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It’s been 2 months since I’ve walked in on Camren and that red bone. I haven’t seen kieashes in a longtime. It was 9:00 in the morning and I was on my way to my 2nd period class. My outfit consisted of: a red shirt with fuck bitches get money in black letters, some black shorts that come up to my thigh, and some red high top converses. It’s the end of the year. I have 2 weeks left of school. I walk into my class late as hell. I see my new best friend Davein, Tyree, De'André, Camren, and Jarvis. I sat in between Davein and Camren.

“Yo late ass.” Davein said.

“Hey Davonyae.” Camren said

“Hey Camren.” I say.

I pulled out my phone while all the boys were talking. I texted Davein and Camren. Davein name in my phone is Mr.WannaBe Savage.

Me:ayoo hey.

Mr.WannaBe Savage.: what up.

Me: what are you doing today after school?

Mr.WannaBe Savage.: chillin with you at yo house.

Me: lol. Okay. But you always at my house eating up my food, breathing up my air. Watching my TV.

Mr.WannaBe Savage.: Ikr. But unless you got something better to do. Imma be up in yo house laying in your bed and put you on the couch again.

Me: lol Nawl aint nothing come up today. I guess it’s the couch I go.

Mr.WannaBe Savage.: yeah I know that’s real.

I stopped texting Davein and started texting Camren

Me: hey.

Mr. Redbone.! : Hey.

Me: wyd.

Mr. Redbone.! : sitting next to you :)

Me: Ikr. What you doing today?

Mr. Redbone.! : I have somewhere to be @4 but you coming to my house @8

 I was so happy that he invited me to his house. I hope he likes me. Then I was rudly interrupted.

“Aye vonyae what are you over there drooling about.” Jarvis said. I rolled my eyes at him.

I was too happy to pay attention at all the rest of the day. Before I knew it I was walking home with Davein.

“Vonyae. Are you okay.” Davein asked

“Yea. Why.” I say. I can’t wait until I go to Camren house. I hope he likes me.

“Because all day you’ve been stuck. You won’t talk, and you keep smiling. Im not complaining because your smile is gorgeous, but you have to talk to me.” Davein said. I just realized what he said. He told me my smile was gorgeous. That is so sweet.

“Thank you. That’s the nicest thing anyone has ever said to me.” I say

“Oh. Oh okay. Now you speak to me.” Davein said. He stopped walking and looked at me weird.

“Yes. I’m just happy.” I say.


“I need a reason to be happy.”

“No you just haven’t been this happy for this long.” I roll my eyes.

“And you always roll yo eyes when you don’t get your way.” Davein said.

“No I don’t. I cuss when I don’t get my way. But I haven’t gotten my way for a while and I haven’t went on cussing spree.” I say.

“Because you have gotten what you wanted for a while.” Davein said. We continued to walk towards my house.

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