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It’s Friday. I guess I better go look for prom dresses. I get in my car and drive to the mall. Once I got there, I saw it was packed with people. I went into valle boutique. This is my faveorite store. I walk down the ailes. I saw all these pretty dresses. But I stopped at this one I really like. It was a strapless black dress. The top half had black rhinestones on it. From the breast down it flared out. It stopped at my thigh. It was so cute, and I have some black heels that would macth this dress. I was so busy looking at the dress that I accidenty bumped into someone.

“I’m sorry.” I say. Then I looked at who I bumped into. It was my flamboyantly gay friend Tracey. I went to middle school with him. Tracey has on some white skinny jeans, a tight pink shirt and some white heels to die for.

“Hey girl. I aint seen you in forever.” Tracey said, in the most girliest voice ever.   

“Hey Tracey. Where have you been at?” I say.

“Girl I have been running from my ex-boyfriend. Do you remember Jeff?” Tracey said. Jeff was his boyfriend. His real name is Jefferson Hill. He was on the down low. I remember they went out for 4 years. Tracey was open with his gayness, but Jefferson wasn’t.

“Yeah.” I say.

“Well he decided one day that he was going to hit me.” Tracey said while snapping his fringers.

“No.” I say.

“Yes girl. I pulled my blade out my mouth and sliced him and his tires.” Tracey whipped his weave. I laughed at him.

“Boy you stupid.” I say. We continued to walk around the store. Tracey was telling more stuff about how he exposed his ex-boyfriend Jeff. Tracey is a character for real. He swiches his hips like he has and ass as big as mine. And he is so dramatic. We walked around the mall some more and then I got tired.

“Tracey, I’m about to leave. I have to take a nap.” I say.

“Okay girl. Give me your number so we can keep in touch.” Tracey flung his purse opened and pulled out his HTC, and handed it to me. I put my number in his phone.

“Bye Tracey.” I say. As I started walking away.

“Bye girl. You know I can’t keep my man waiting. He can’t wait to get all of this.” Then Tracey bent over and started shaking his ass. I laughed at him and then I walked out of the mall.

I got in my car and drove home. When I got there my brother wasn’t there but Nike was. So I went in his room

“Hey Nike.” I say.


“Where my brother at.” I say. He is usually at home with Nike.

“He said he had to make some money and then he would be back.” His stupid ass. He needs to sit down somewhere. He knows he don’t want to go to jail. Because he has to take care of his baby and Nike.

“He should get a regular 9-5 job like everybody else and get off of the streets before he gets hurt.” I say then I walk out the room. It’s time for me to go to sleep. I got in my bed and under my blankets, and went to sleep.

It’s Saturday night and i'm sitting here waiting on Tracey, because he is going to the fair, and I want to go. I don’t want to sit around and be bitter about Davein. I'm finna go out and have fun with my friend. I'm wearing a red half shirt that has boss on it in black letters, a black snake skin pencil skirt, and some red sandals that tie up in the back. I went into my brothers’ room for his Chicago bulls’ snapback, and Nike’s spiked necklace.

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