Hello My Name is Classified

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My feet pounded on the hard ground as I ran, my heart racing as the group chasing me shouted and grew closer, hot in pursuit. I held tightly to the black cat in my arms, its claws digging into my skin but I didn't care, The only thing I cared right now about was escaping this mess.

Why was chased by a group of trouble makers? Well that was a long story that I don't feel like retelling right now, but lets just say I ran into trouble walking home that night. Why was I walking home in the dark alone you ask? I could blame work or the fact that I had to stop by the store on my way home but I think I just have bad karma.

Anyways, I ran at a fast steady pace, still faster then them but the sound of heavy foot fall started growing nearer. In a stupid split second decision, I turned a corner into an alleyway only to be greeted by a dead end. Great, just what I needed, thanks Karma.

I rolled my eyes and turned to see the people following me sloppily attempt to turn the corner where I was just a moment ago.

"Well, Well, Well, What do we have here? What do you know guys, its the little Snitch who was a the mall," said one of what I could guess was a female, in front of me with a smirk as her voice dripped with venom, and hints of sarcasm.

"Your gonna pay for getting Ricky in trouble, Snitch," Her smirk widened and I could guess that she was in most likely charge by the way she stood in front of the others, them with their arms crossed and wide dark smirks on there faces.

The cat in my arms struggled to get free from my grasp but I held on, waiting for the perfect time let it go. I backed up, looking scared but I was alert and looking for the right time to bolt.

I looked closer at the group closing in and saw that a few of them had weapons, one had a metal bat which was a bad idea if it touched me, one had a knife which I hoped to avoid while the others had random items which could hurt if hit or attacked with. The main top dog was just standing there with her long black hair and her unusual purple eyes, smirking at me and I somehow knew that she wanted to inflict pain, and lots of it.

She moved forward as did the others, closing me in. The cats claws dug into my skin even more and blood leaked out of the wound and ran down my arm. I dropped the cat and it landed on the ground, with a hiss at the group that was nearing me then it backed up and stayed near me.

I backed up against the wall then looked at my surroundings, noticing a fire escape in the corner of my eye and noted it as a possible way to escape.

The main alpha waved at me and the others leaped at me and I sprung into action. I leaped up and grabbed the edge of the Fire escape, but was to slow and one of the 'Others' grabbed my leg and pulled but I kept my grip. I tried to shake him off but made a huge mistake and forgot about his weapon as I hit him against the wall, the knife in his hand pricing my lower calf and I winced but held on with all my might. He let go of my leg when he hit the wall and I pulled myself up, careful not to bump the knife and tried to pull it out when I got to the top, my blood pouring everywhere.

"GET HER, DON'T LET HER GET AWAY!!" The leader yelled as her lackeys jumped and tried to reach me. Of course a few others just watched me, muttering things like "did you see that! Man... The boss would like to hear this.."

I climbed as fast as I could with the cat behind me, the sound of the lead alpha yelling behind me as I reached the top and started to run away the best I could.

"This isn't over, Snitch! I will find you again!" she yelled angrily as I started to head home, sweat dripping down my arms and bruises forming on my body.

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