A Day in The Life of Me

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I closed the window to my room as I entered and collapsed on the couch. The small cat walked up to me and rubbed up against my good leg, the other still bleeding profusely. I sighed, and made my way over to the bathroom, putting my leg in the bathtub, trying to make sure the blood did not drip on the floor. Last thing I needed was for Mayla to worry about me again.

You are probably wondering by now who I am, why a black cat was following me, and who Mayla was. Well, first off my name is Ava. How do I know? I don't. Last name? Don't have one. At least not that I know of anyways. Next, Mayla was the Gal who I worked for, in return I got to live in decently sized house, and I passed as her niece when need be. Which brings me to the next thing, Mayla Day was a hotshot actor who took me in after I saved her life. It wasnt nothing too bad, and i just happened to be walking by the set when it happened. She ended up with nothing more then a small scar, and bruises from what happened. Once that was over, she agreed to let me help her out and in turn let me stay at her place. Sadly, she does not know about us. Yet.

Anywho, back to now. I ripped my pants at the base of the knee, to get a better look at the wound.  Turning on the water I started to carefully wash off It off, careful not to make a noise. I Sighed as I felt the cat jump up next to me and rub its head against my side.

"Why does this seem to happen at the worst time? I mean me doing things that will make Mayla worry? She takes care of us, and you know how she is. If she found out about this......" I shook my head and went back to cleaning the wound, watching as the blood ran down the drain.

"Ava? Is that you?" I heard mayla's voice say which was something I did not want to here at this time, so I froze. This was something I feared and did not want to happen, but I took a deep breath.

"Y-Yea I-It is me. Hold on and I will be out in a bit..." I yelled back and brushed my dark brown hair out of my face.

"Where are you? Where have to been?" she asked as I heard her voice draw near. I tried to clean as fast as I could and when the blood was all gone the cat had just gotten me what I needed to wrap it when I saw a Figure form the side of my vision.

"Ah, there you- Ava? what happened to your leg!?" Was the last thing I wanted to hear tonight but guess what? It happened.

"Umm...." I said, turning to look at the figure of Mayla enter the bathroom and rush over to me.

"How did this happen? Who did this to you? Ava?" she asked worriedly but I just shook it off.

"I-I am fine, and I was just walking home when I cut myself on something. No big deal." I whispered to her.

"No big deal? Ava, you have a gash in you calf. This is not 'no big deal'! Get in the car, I am taking you to the hospital," she said sternly as she reached for my hand, but I pulled away. 

 "N-No.......P-Please do not take me there..." I whispered with fear in my eyes. If there was one thing that chilled me to the bone, it was needles and the smell of antiseptic.

 "Ava, Get in the car. Now. I will not take no for an answer." She said sternly and I let out a sigh Before I gave my reply.

"N-No......A-At least let me wait til morning....please?" I asked pleadingly, but Mayla still shook her head. It was what she said next that made my blood run cold.

"Ava, if any one else see that they will ask who you live with and we both could get in big trouble, me mainly because I took you in. Do you want that?" 

I shook my head, but started to wrap my leg again. "I-I am not going..." I say sternly and Mayla finely gave in.

"Fine but in the morning I am taking you. Good night Ava and don't forget to let out your cat before bed." Mayla sighed then left the room to head for her own. 

The cat let out a hiss, not liking it being called 'My cat'. I smiled and left the bathroom to get ready for bed.

After I had gotten ready I lied in my bed, the cat at my feet. I closed my eye and sleep took over.

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