School? The Way To Make Time Fly

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*Beep Beep Beep* Blared my alarm clock, causing me to fall out of bed and onto Data, the coal black cat who was right next to me. He let out a mix of a gasp and a mew as I painfully and slowly got off of him; I was still sore from what had happened yesterday and my leg had not completely healed, though to be honest I had been though worst. Not that I had much too go by.

I got up from the warmth of my bed, and slowly sat on the edge, stretching my feet in front of me as Data glared up at me a few feet away, his tail flicking back and forth with annoyance. He seemed to be glaring, as much as a cat can show emotion.

"Sorry Data, I-I kinda got startled..." I started to explain, but he just hissed at me, then with a flick of his tail walked off else where in the house. I sighed, as I just shook my head, then looked at the time. Eight o'clock, just in time to get ready for a day of blah. A day at school, the bane of all things that is if I was healed and could convince Mayla not to call the doctor and have him check my leg and use... it.

I rather liked this school, the tall building was full of people and lockers, the main hallways always seeming to be alive, even after hours. Of course I could be mixing things up again, though anywhere would he better then the doctors office, where the smell of the stuff they use is enough to make my body start to shake and sweat. And like always I am clueless as to why. Though like always it hard to fill in the details when your a blank slate.

I got up slowly from the bed and limped to get ready, picking out my normal outfit of a solid colored jacket and plain jeans then, after I had gotten ready, I started headed down stairs. Each step small brought pain as I had not healed all the way, which I found a bit odd. It was still sore both in that leg and a few other places, like my upper arms. That was something I did not know the reason for, however I knew from the past that I was a fast healer. Which meant when she checked my injuries.....

"Ava! What are you doing up?!" Mayla's panicked, worried voice said from below as she stroked the cats head. She was at the bottom of the stair case, which held twenty steps or so, the iron railing matching the dark wood flooring. The cat looked up at me and smirked in his cat like way, which earned him a glare from me.

That was when I started to panic a bit on then inside. If there was one thing that freaked me out enough to react with violence, it was needles and the smell of the stale cleanliness you find at a hospital. Why? I do not know, its like a fragment of a lost memory, and I start to react, as does-

"Ava, why dont come down here. If your feeling better surely you can walk down the stairs," her voice said, interrupting my thoughts and testing me. She could have asked me to go lay down, could of came up to check on me where I was, or even just ask me to take off my pants. She knew that was not how I rolled however, after what had happened a few weeks back.... Something I am not Getting into now. She knew I was stuck in my ways, always wanting to at least fake that I knew what was right.

I glare at her, but she just gave me a small smirk I look at her, then at the railing next to her. As I looked back at her, a thought popped into my head. I took deep breath, calming myself down, and leaped for the railing. I then twisted my hands under me, lifting myself so that I was sitting atop it as I then slid to the bottom, a smug look on my face. The cat gives me a 'Really?' look and I roll my eyes at him.

"Ava. That was not what I meant...." She started but I did not want to hear it.

"I know Mayla, I know. 'Ava no sliding down the railing, you might fall' or 'I know you like doing things another way, but in this house we do not do that'. Y-You may be my first foster mom but I can take care o-"

"Ava. Before I took you in, for all I know you ate out of a trash can and slept in the gutter." she pointed out, which made the cat smirk. "I know you had to fend for yourself for awhile, and do things i will never know, but when I had you checked over by the family doctors they said you had amnesia.That it was a wonder you even knew your name. I know I am the first person who might have acted like a parent would towards you, but I made my promise. I am worried about what you where doing last night. As well as to why your acting this way" She said sternly, and I could sense she meant it. I looked at Data again, who let out a meow as I sighed.

"I understand you feel worry for me, though I was walking when I tripped and landed on some... Sharp stuff." I both lied and explained. I didn't know what I would have landed on, there was not a word in my vocabulary that would fit. However she knew what I meant, and even if she said a word she knew I wouldn't quite get it until she explained it. That was my problem, My vocabulary and what I knew was limited, yet somehow I knew enough to sneak though the house and use most of the tools and items around it without thinking much. At most my spoken words where limited as well as my comprehension skills. Not that I could tell the difference much.

She did not reply to my person, and just kept looking at me with something in her eyes. Now it was her turn to take a deep breath, as she waved her hand. 

"Fine. Have it your way and don't tell me. We will talk about this later. I meant what I said, I am worried about you. You better hurry up, or you will miss your deadline." With a turn of her head she walked off to get ready herself, letting Data, The cat, drop from her arms and onto the floor. I had the feeling today was going to be one heck of a day.


When I said I went to school, I didn't mean as a normal student. Luckily, the school had a transfer program, few hours of school and the rest helping out in one part or another. Still same amount of homework, but a chance to go to one of the nicest schools in the area. 

The main building itself was made from some form of transparent building martial, warped in a patterned. Framed with steel and stone, as well as the slanted clear roof, it allowed for lots of sunlight to drift in. Tan bricks made of the rest of the school building, which was mostly classrooms. The whole school was encased inside a dome, which though it made me feel trapped, allowed for the planting of grass inside, and have both inside and outside elements. The classrooms themselves where also a work of art, with slightly off white walls and long tables as well as rolling chairs, It was said to be nicer then Nextir High school.

Nextir was the normal outdoor high school, though I have not been there myself, I am told it was created in the late 70's, around the time the city was starting to expand. If you didn't have the cash or lucky enough to get into the program, you went there. Not that I was a bad school, just more worn then Baker Tech, which is where I go.

Walking in the sliding doors always made my hands tingle, as I looked up at the potted plants in the hallway, the dome high up above my head. With a deep breath for good luck, I headed for the Library, where, my next class would be. And where time would seem to pass slowly as the world move on without me.

I was right, and soon the chatter to lessons passed on, and I was heading home.

((A/N- Finally, A new chapter out. Not much happens in this one, though I do have a few things planned. As well as more on the schools. Want to see something in the story? Feel free to comment! Vote if you liked it and let me know what you think! Stay Awesome- Earthstar))

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