Happy birthday Chara

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Authors note
so this chapter has some foul language and if your a child I suggest not seeing this chapter at all if I get in trouble because some child and, or children repeated something in this chapter this was the parents fault for not supervising their child and, or children and that I have warned the child and, or children to leave this chapter and if the child and, or children repeats the foul language that is not my fault ok veiwer discretion is advised.

Chara p.o.v
I wake up to Madi saying "Well good morning sleepy head, happy birthday." I then got up, went to the bathroom, and got dressed when I got out Madi ask's "So what are we gonna do?" I gave her a confused look "We?" she then smiles saying "Yeah me, and you everyone else is busy with stuff... so I will be with you the entire day making sure that your happy!" I blushed thinking 'Me happy? HA! Fat chance she is really gonna have to try hard to make me happy.' *snickers* Madi then ask's "Why are you laughing?" I respond with "I am never ever happy on my birthday so i would just give up already." Madi looks at me angry, and says "Really now? heheHAHAHAHHAHAHAHAHA I WILL MAKE YOU HAPPY EVEN IF IT KILLS ME!!!!!!!!" she looked psychotic, but now I liked her even more than I already did wait... WHAT I LIKE HER!? NO WAY THERE IS NO CHANCE OF THAT EVER HAPPENING. "COME ON LET'S GO!!!!!!" Madi yelled as she pulled me towards the door taking me somewhere.

Madi's p.o.v
I took Chara to the Ruins where I first met him "Okay why are we here?" Chara asked as I said "Remember this is where you, and I first met, when you were shackled up I thought well who is this guy?" Chara looks at me then at his old spot and ask's "How is this happy?" I responded with "IT IS BECAUSE YOU, AND I MET HERE UGH!!!!!!!!!" he then chuckles, and says "You do know your cute when your angry~" I respond with "Nevermind lets keep moving." we then made our way to Alphys's hospital into the room where me, and Chara were "Alright this is where I woke up, and *tells story because I'm to lazy to write*" he then says "Hehe this is where I was attacked by your friend." I then said "MOVING ON." I was determinded to make Chara happy. DETERMINDED. I then led us to Toriels house up to our room "This is where you found out that I was your roomate!" I exclaimed as he chuckles saying "Then I found out that you snored like a beast." I was a bit less happy actually I was hurt he said that NONE THE LESS I'm still gonna make him happy, so I led him to the ballroom at Asgore's castle, and said "This is where you took me away from Frisk, and danced with me." he then said "But I did not enjoy Mettaton filming us the entire time." I was about to give up when I said "NOW TO WATERFALL!!!!!!" I said as we made it to Waterfall then I said "This is where you, and I went swimming!" then he says "This is also where you threw my knife where I couldn't find it. ANYWHERE." then I led him to the spot where me, and him played truth or dare "This is pointless..." I said disappointed, Chara was shocked that I have given up on him then I said "You won't ever be happy will you? It was silly to try..." Chara then yells "NO IT WASN'T IT ACTUALLY MADE ME HAPPY TO SEE YOU SO DETERMINDED TO MAKE ME HAPPY. I'm so sorry Madi for being a jerk to you..." I then said "It's ok now to Undyne's!" then I led eachother to Undyne's place then we went inside then everyone except for Sans, and Kaity yelled "SUPRISE CHARA!!!!!" Chara then asked "A party? Why?" Toriel then said "It was Madi's idea she thought it would be nice if we had a suprise party why do you think we weren't around all day my child." Papyrus then said "WELL THEN CHARA OPEN YOUR PRESENTS!!!!!!!"

1 hour later

Chara got a rock from Kaity because she said he.wouod have a ROCKIN time, Sans gave him ketchup because they needed to KETCHUP with eachother, Papyrus gave Chara 7 friendship bracelet's to strengthen their friendship, Undyne gave Chara a eyepatch, Alphys gave him the whole kitty kissy mew mew series on dvd, Mettaton gave him glamburgers, and face steak, Toriel gave him butterscotch cinnamon pie, Agore gave him a bunch of buttercups, Flowey gave him himself, Asriel gave him his old heart locket, Frisk gave him some DETERMINATION, and then I gave him the knife, and said "I know how much you loved your old knife so me, and Undyne made you one I did the handle Undyne did the blade so do you like it?"

wouod have a ROCKIN time, Sans gave him ketchup because they needed to KETCHUP with eachother, Papyrus gave Chara 7 friendship bracelet's to strengthen their friendship, Undyne gave Chara a eyepatch, Alphys gave him the whole kitty kissy mew mew s...

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Chara p.o.v
I was speechless it was beautiful I couldn't believe that Madi, and Undyne did this for me, so I said "Like it? I love it, it's so beautiful thank you Madi, Undyne!"

Madi's p.o.v
When I heard him say that I couod not help but smile as I said "Your very welcome Chara it's the least I can do after all I did chuck your old knife in Waterfall..."

Chara's p.o.v
I saw Madi's smile disappear quickly after she said that ACK why does my chest hurt I don't know why but I wanted to make her happy "Madi don't be sad please you made me so happy today the least I can do is make you happy so please smile."

Madi's p.o.v
I then smiled for Chara then he said "That's the beautiful smile that my little Madi should have!" he smiles as I question him "Little Madi? I ain't little, I'm a giraffe compared to Kaity." Kaity glares at me, and says "AT LEAST I'M NOT A SKYSCRAPER!!!!!!" I then glare right back saying "At least I'm not A STUBBY LITTLE MOUSE!!!!!!" Kaity gets up as I run for my life as she yells "MADI GET BACK HERE RIGHT NOW!!!!!!!!!" I yell back "NOOOOOOOOOO YOUR GONNA HIT ME LIKE YOU DO EVERYTIME I MAKE FUN OF YOU!!!!!!!!!" This went on for 17 minutes until Sans used his magic to hold us in place, and says "I am too tired to deal with this so... yeah." Kaity yells."Put. Me. Down. Right. NOW!" Sans laughs, and says "hehehehehe nope." I then said "SANS PUT ME THE FUCK DOWN BEFORE I KILL YOU OR AT LEAST TRY TO!!!!!!!!!! GRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRR!!!!!!!!!!!!" Sans then ask's "Is it THAT time of month?" then I got put down along with Kaity, and I yelled "NO YOU BONEHEAD!!!!!!!" Everyone was laughing then time passed, and it was bedtime I got changed into P.J's but before I went to bed Chara said "Night Madi thanks for everything." then I said "Night Chara and no problem." then we both fell asleep.

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