Madi is fine!

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Madi p.o.v
I wake up and I look around to see Chara sleeping I sigh as I sit up I see the stitches and I just burst out crying I kept thinking I wasn't good enough when really I was in the eyes of everyone.

Chara p.o.v
I wake up hearing a girl crying only to see Madi crying her eyes out I quickly got up hugging her saying "What's wrong!? Did something happen!?" she looked at me and said while sobbing "D-Did I worry y-you?" I look at her asking "Yes... But why?" she sighs saying "Since you were so busy with her I thought I wasn't good enough no more..." that's when I realized that I have been neglecting her for that cunt... I gotta make this right somehow...

Madi p.o.v
I hug him back tight, I didn't ever want to let him go... He let me go and he asked "What do you want to eat?" I thought for a moment and said "Chocolate if you could?" he smiled saying "Alright chocolate it is..." he left while I lay there thinking...

Chara p.o.v
I go in the kitchen and Kaity looked at me with this glare saying "You better make it up to her or else..." I sigh saying "I know, I know but what?" Kaity smiles saying "Her birthday is this weekend today is Sunday so you have time to think of what to do for her ok? Ok." I look at her with wide eyes thinking of what I'm gonna do for Madi...

Madi p.o.v
Chara walks in here with alot and I mean ALOT of chocolate... "You didn't have to give me this much..." Chara just smiled sadly saying "I did though I was a asshole to you... It's not even the half of what I can do for you..." I sighed saying "It's ok Chara I forgive you I really don't care hehe..." he looks at me saying "Well I do care..." I just ate the chocolate and sighed saying "When am I gonna be out of this hospital?" Chara just laughed saying "For a day, can you survive a day?" I just laughed saying "I'll manage..." we both laughed he then said "Hey I'm gonna go because goat mom called me to go home so I'm gonna go ok?" I was a bit dad but I quickly smiled saying "Ok I'll be fine!" he smiled leaving and I drifted to sleep.

Chara p.o.v
I leave and go to the house thinking and I see Asriel playing his games and I ask him "Hey Asriel?" he responds with a "Yeah?" I ask him "What does Madi like?" he just turned around looking at me like I had something behind me doing magic tricks or something like that, he then asked "Why do you ask? Do you looooovvveeee herrrrrr????" I just stares at him saying "N-No I don't! It's just her birthday is coming up o-ok..." Asriel just asked me again "Haha but dude seriously do you?" I just looked at him I groan and I layed on the couch and Asriel grabbed a notepad and some fake glasses asking "What are the symptoms for when your away from her?" I look at him and his ridiculous apparel saying "Well I don't know I'm fine if I know where she is but when I don't know I worry all the time..." he just smiles and asks "How about when she is around other guys?" I stare at him saying "I just hate them... Always around her... And I'm not there... I guess I'm jealous? I don't know..." Asriel just smiles wider asking one final question "How do you feel when your around her?" I just look up at the ceiling smiling saying "I feel... Great whenever she smiles my heart races... When she laughs it sounds so pretty... And when she tries and tries to make me happy it works... Oh no... I really am in love aren't I!?" Asriel sighs and says "Yes and is it really a bad thing?" I sigh saying "If I love her... Won't she reject me?" Asriel sighs saying "You won't know until you try ok..." I sigh saying "Maybe I'll spend some time with her... This whole week..." as I said that I rush to the hospital I go in Madi's room realizing she's asleep I sigh happily sitting in the chair falling asleep after awhile.

Authors note
I hope everyone enjoyed!
Give me suggestions for what Chara should do and comment them ok thanks and enjoy!

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