Going home

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*the next afternoon they had decided to go home a day early, and by that what is actually mean a that in the few words Maya spoke to Lucas was the sentence 'I want to go home', Lucas, being severe scared that any second she could say they were over or she could say that she doesn't want him near her or hope ever again, which he would understand completely but still completely hate but what he didn't know was that she was truly hurt and she felt betrayed but all she wanted was for him to wrap his big strong arms around her, hold her tightly and tell her that everything would be okay, he, not knowing this, was trying to give her space which was only making her feel worse, once he had packed the car up he came inside to where pappy Joe and Maya were stood with Maya holding hope, she had trouble letting go, Lucas tries to take hope from Maya to put her in her car seat but Maya swerves so as to not give her to him*
Maya: thank you for being so nice and letting us stay here pappy Joe
PJ: of course darlin any time please do come on back soon so I can see this little cutie again
Maya: we'll see, bye
*maya walks out to the car without even looking at Lucas*
PJ: what happened after I left you two last night? You were so happy
Lucas: it's hard to explain pappy Joe
PJ: well you just do whatever you can to get back on her good side again
*they step out onto the porch*
Lucas: I know
*they watch Maya struggles Witt the car seat, Lucas eventually decides to step in knowing full well Maya cannot do the car seat up*
Lucas: let me help you with that
*he goes to help her but she refuses to let him*
Maya: no I've got it
Lucas: Maya please just let me
*maya gets annoyed*
Maya: fine!
*she moves out of the way and gets into the passenger seat, Lucas sorts out hope and the car seat easily then waves goodbye to pappy Joe before getting into the drivers seat and setting off, he turns to see may has her headphone in to block him out, he groans, this could be a long journey*

Lucaya: their storyWhere stories live. Discover now