Chapter 2; Who Are You?

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As promised, the second chapter.
Hope you enjoy ^^

 Previously ;The time turner was in the air before anyone could do anything, it flew to Hugo, who was to startled to even try and catch it. The time turner clattered to the floor with a crash and the white sand spread everywhere, and when all the dust had settled the only thing you could find was sand and a cracked time turner.    

Sirius Black could tell with confidence that he'd seen some strange things in his life, from one of his best friends being a werewolf to becoming an illegal animagus to help said best friend every month. But this had to take the cake. Because Sirius, Remus Lupin and Molly Weasley was just sitting around the table in the dark and gloomy kitchen of 12 Grimmauld Place talking about the latest meeting when they heard a bang in the hall. The three of them ran up the stairs from the kitchen, all of them with their wands out by the time they reached the source of the sound.

Sirius could see about seven or eight bodies in a pile on the floor of the hall and they seemed to be unconscious, sprayed over them was a white power. He heard groaning as they seemed to be waking up, Sirius could spot maybe four girls and about maybe four or five boys. The one who stood out the most was absolutely the boy (man?) with the turquoise hair. As he sat up Sirius could see he looked a bit like Remus.

"Ugh" the man groaned and opened his eyes "where are we?" Sirius raised his wand, in case. A girl who looked ridiculously like Ginny Weasley sat up and glared at a boy with dark hair and a boy who could definitely be a Weasley, actually she wasn't the only one doing so. A girl with bushy hair, a dark skinned girl and a boy who looked ridiculously like Harry was also glaring at the boys.

"It's their fault!"

"It is so not our fault"

"Yeah. technically it's Hugo's fault"

"Yeah, he missed it"

"Don't blame him for this"

"You threw it!" The strange people were now all standing, most of them being involved in the argument. None of them seemed to notice Sirius, Remus and Molly though, as they were too interested in blaming the boys.

"That's enough!" It seemed like Molly's mother instinct for handling children who were fighting had kicked in and the newcomers looked at them like they were surprised to see Sirius and his friends there.

"I don't know who you are or where you all came from. But I will not tolerate this..this whatever this is!" Molly was now standing with her arms crossed, and the strangers stopped talking at the same time, like they knew Molly didn't like to repeat herself when cross.

"Molly, why don't you calm down a bit. And Sirius, lower your wand, they're just kids" Remus looked at Sirius with a determined gaze and Sirius did as his friend asked.

"Now" Remus put his wand away and turned to the kids "Who are you, and where did you come from?" They didn't say anything, just looked at the man with the turquoise hair, who Sirius assumed to be the oldest.

"Well, that's kind of complicated. We're not actually sure what happen." he answered,

"But, could you tell us what year this is?"

"Year? you got to be kidding" Sirius could not believe this,

"Do you actually think that anyone would believe that you've all traveled in time.?"

"Well as a time turner crashed into the floor and then we're suddenly here, yes" Sirius hadn't really noticed the speaker before, she'd stood in the shadows before. She has long platinum blond hair.

"How about you prove it" Sirius absolutely refused to believe anything they said without proof

"How about the fact that your name is Sirius Black and is not a murder,but an animagus who escaped Hogwarts on a hippogriff named Buckbeak who is currently living in this same house. And that this is the current headquarters of the Order of the phoenix, an organization created to fight Voldemort"

"How the hell do you know that!"

"As we said, we're from the future and we would really like to know how long time ago this is"

"It's 1995, the 16 of September 1995"


"Well that do you want me to do Sirius,"

"How told you all of that anyway?"

"It was our dad." The Harry-copy said

"And that is...?"

"Well Harry Potter of course"  

"Harry Potter? as in my godson Harry Potter?"

"If you don't have any other godsons, yes"

"Ok, so how about we all go back to the kitchen and all of you can introduce yourselves" 


James Potter followed his family down to the kitchen, this place was so creepy. James had been in this house before, or not yet? Because the last time he'd been was in 24 years from now. James didn't know what to do, this was his and Fred's fault. He knew dad had set up the rule that no one was allowed in his office unless he said so. James's dad was an Auror, he had some top secret job stuff in his office. One that was apparently a time turner.

"Well, I'll start then. I'm James Potter the second, 16, oldest of three, Gryffindor"

"Fred Weasley, also the second, also 16, also oldest, also a Gryffindor"

"Roxanne Weasley, I'm 15, sadly Fred's sister, not a Gryffindor. Ravenclaw."

"Well I'm Lily Potter, I'm 12 and a Hufflepuff"

"Hugo Weasley, also 12 and a Gryffindor"

"Rose Weasley, Hugo's sister, 14 and I'm a Ravenclaw"

"I'm Al Potter-"

"No, no. Full name" 

"You can't tell me what to do James!"


"Just leave him alone James"

"Fine Lils, just because you can really look like mum when she's mad sometimes"

"Anyway, I'm 14"

"What about your-" Molly was interrupted by Victoire and James could tell Al got relieved, being a Slytherin back before the second wizarding war ended was seen as a bad thing. 

"My name is Victoire Weasley, I'm 20 and I'm the oldest of all the cousins, I was a Ravenclaw"

"My real name's Edward, but everyone calls me Teddy, I'm 22 and I was a Hufflepuff."

"What's your last name?" Sirius Black, wasen't that weird, asked him


"W..what?" It seemed like Teddy's dad had gone into shock, he got paler and froze. Sirius Black patted him on the back, though.

"Congratulations Moony, you've got a son."

"Are you a... you know"

"No" Teddy's dad let out a sigh of relief.

"He really gets craving for meat near full moons though" Victorie said with a teasing smile  

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