Eren shut up

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Eren: Hey Captain Levi, want to hear a joke? Hehehe

Levi: Shouldn't you be off killing Titans Eren, instead of pestering me?

Eren: Titans?

Levi: Yes you idiot... Titans. How can you be so dum-

Eren: Titans!

Levi: what are you dumb brat?

Eren: Titans! Titans! Titans! Titans!

Levi: Shut it you damn br-

Eren: TITANS!!!!

Levi: Shit how do I get him to stop?!


Levi: H-hey so dumb bra- I mean Eren, what was that joke you were going to tell me?

Eren: Titans!!! Wait oh Yh, Levi look at this!

*Eren gets out a photo of Petra slumped on the tree*

*Eren gets out a photo of Petra slumped on the tree*

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Eren: Hechio shhhh! We haven't even got to the best part haha! How would you describe in this picture?

*Eren is barely containing his laughter while Levi stares daggers at him*

Eren: Go on Hechio!

Levi: Eren I don't know what your playing at but if I get my hands on you I swear to god I wil-

Eren: I would say she looks...
Petra- fied ... Bhahahaha!

Levi: ...

*Eren is on the floor dying of laughter while Levi is crying in the corner of an elevator while remembering Petra and the rest of his old squad*

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