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[Jimin's POV]

Last night was something under the category of unordinary. All my life , I thought I was living in hell or that my life meant nothing at all but Jin's life was cut short at only age 18. I should really sometimes take into consideration of his hurt and pain. "After being humiliated like that , I don't think I'm ready for school anymore." I sigh and Jin stood up smacked the back of my head. "Well snap out of it. You have to go. The days are counting down , when are you planning to confess to Jungkook?" Jin really sounds like my mom or something. But what he said started to register in my head ,what would I even say to Jungkook. I mean we kissed but it was too sudden plus he ran off. Also Taehyung would strangle me if he knew I was after Jungkook. But at this point , I don't care anymore. 

"Okay. Let's go." I stood up and grabbed the keys off the kitchen counter to exit the door. I left the house late so I wasn't expecting to walk with Jungkook today. I hung my head low , feeling more worse than usual. It was as if the universe designed me to never be happy. "Aren't you forgetting something?" Jin asked. I stopped and looked back at him to see him holding Black Magic. "At this point , Jin , I don't even want to look at that. It's bad luck."I scoffed and began walking. Jin quickly snatched me by my bag's handle and pulled me close. "Stop being childish. It's not a good look for you."Jin then unzipped my bag and stuck the book over one of my textbooks. "I'm not being childish. I just can't stop thinking about what happened to you or last night!" I felt my face heat up as I tighten my fists. I turned my back to Jin so he couldn't see me. Doesn't he think that I'm hurting too , I want to do this for him , I want him to come back to life so we can be happy. Him with Namjoon and me with Jungkook. It's so easy to say but harder to do.

"Jimin. I -" Jin began to speak but was caught off by someone else. "Jimin". Jungkook came walking towards me. His eyes were red and puffy , he was also wearing one oversized black sweatshirt with a hoodie. He looks horrible , which was a first. I walked towards him with a concerned face. I bent down and touched his face. He winced and stepped back. "Jungkook".I'm  filled with so many mixed emotions. Why was Jungkook wearing that sweatshirt , It was close to 80 degrees out. "Jimin , can you walk with me to school , please." Jungkook held his hand out and flashed me his bunny smile. It overwhelmed me too much to see him suffering on the inside. I was so scared to ask what's wrong so instead I held his hand and looked back at Jin as we started walking. Jungkook clung much more closer to me than usual. Maybe he really felt safe with me. But would he have to be safe from?

[Jungkook's POV]

Jimin's fingers laced into mine were very welcoming and warm. Something I'm not particularly used too. He was so kind and gentle that I couldn't get enough of it. After last night , I just really need him to be there for me. I didn't want to burden him with my problems. He'll just worry or stay alert of me. If he knew what I did , he'll hate me forever or never want to talk to me again. I just want to him to stay by my side. He's really a good friend. I wouldn't exchange his kindness for anything in the world. But did I come off weird approaching him at his home? I just heard his voice from my backyard and I desperately wanted someone to talk too. Now that I'm with him , It's like the words are stuck at my throat. 

"J-Jimin.." I spoke out , my voice cracking a bit. He looked at me and I felt a slight ping in my chest. Why does he have this special feeling to him? His eyes aren't looking at me but through me as if he already knows what's wrong and I should immediately tell him . I don't like lying to him or to anyone for that matter. Once you lie , you have to make up other lies. You'll just be in an endless cycle of lies and I don't want to lose Jimin's trust. I care too much about him to lose something as important as that. "I have to tell you s-something but.. It's about this guy I know ." That's good. I'll just give him a hypothetical so he won't know it's about me and it isn't lying because it's all the truth. "You can tell me anything. Even if it's not about you. I'm all ears." There went that ping in my chest. He was such a saint. He doesn't deserve to be near me. I'm a horrible person. But I swallowed my pride and began telling Jimin about my 'friend's' problems.

"So my friend , he has a boy-I mean girlfriend right. They're been together for a really long time. Since they were kids even but as the years go by. His girlfriend started being distant. So distant that my friend thinks he's-I mean , she's cheating on him. The girlfriend kisses other guys in public and has sex with them and thinks my friend doesn't know but he knows very well.." I tighten my grip on Jimin's hand. This part was too much of the truth and hard for me to say. But I had to tell Jimin. I trusted him so much. "The friend even had sex with the girlfriend in hopes it'd make her stay but It only pushed him uh-her away. " I paused.

"My friend even told me that last night their relationship has even turned violent. Arguments happened more often. The friend can't even hang out without her getting mad and ..hurting him. Hurting him so bad that he has to hide the bruises.." I choked on my words. I felt warm tears slide down my face. Jimin then stopped and looked at me. He hugged me tight into his arms. That's the one place I didn't want to leave from. I don't ever want to leave Jimin. Never.


Part 1 of Vent! Hope you guys like this. I'm moving this story out a little faster so I can start new stories. I'm practicing on updating faster! Haha I just suck so bad..

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