"Hold Me Tight"

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[Jimin's POV]

This was it , only a couple more minutes until Jungkook's performance. I ached for his lyrical voice to swoon me. I just wish I could stop fidgeting so much.

"You're going to hurt yourself doing that." Jin said walking through the door. "I can't help it." I quickly jumped up and looked at him. "Do you understand how much stress I'm under!?"

I grabbed his shirt tightly and pulled him closer to my face. Jin looked away , his face bright red. He grabbed my hands and pulled them off. "C-calm your tits , Jimin." He then disappeared.

I let out a sigh. It was time and I'd be crazy if I show up late. I looked around my room and then at the book. I took a bag and stuffed it inside. I opened my bedroom door and slowly shut it , trying not to awaken my father who was sleeping on the couch. I'm pretty sure my mother threw him out the bedroom but did I even give a damn?

No. Not really.

I tip-toed past the kitchen and through the living room and grabbed my keys of the hook. I opened the door and then it hit me , Jungkook's performance will be spectacular and when it's over , people usually throw things on stage like roses or panties but I'm pretty sure he'd prefer roses because I wouldn't even begin to know where to find a pair of panties and have the balls to throw them on stage.

I released my grip on the door and glanced over at the vase my mom had on the kitchen counter. I tip-toed over into the kitchen and slipped the rose out the vase and into my bag - gently - praying I didn't rip a petal off. I then smiled , thinking about Jungkook's reaction to this flower , the flower of love. Jin then appeared near the door and tapped the handle making it ding. "Okay , lover boy, you do know you got less than 5 minutes or you'll miss his solo."

I gasped and dashed out the door , my feet stomping louder the dinging noise. I slammed the door on purpose just to be a douche towards my dad. I ran out the house and panicked. Should I take the route I know? Crap I don't know! "Jin!" He didn't appear , he just spoke to me from my bag out of the book. "You called?" I rolled my eyes. "Is there a way for me to teleport there!?" I started running just in case there wasn't. "It's kind of difficult , but you can try".

The book floated out my bag and into my hands. I stopped in my tracks , sadly, I was still to far from the school. The pages flew open and I blinked rapidly at the sight. The page was titled 'Follow your heart'. It said : 'Think of the one that holds your heart and you'll be there. Focus your mind on them and only them and you'll be at the place you desire.'

Okay this is starting to confuse me more than usual but I had no choice. I needed to be there , I made a promise to him and if I can't keep it to the Bangtans , I'll keep it to Jungkook. I thought about him , his bunny teeth smile , the way he says 'Oh my god' and the silly way he tries to dance to girly songs. He was someone I can feel that I need to spend my life with , even if that means just hanging around as a best friend.

"Take me to the school's auditorium to see Jungkook" I whispered and closed my eyes tight. I then jumped out of my skin at the sight of clapping and screams. The performance was almost over but I made it just in time for his time to shine. It was just like my dream , I had a good seat at that. I looked right into his eyes , smiling from ear to ear that the magic worked for me.

He stood close to the mic stand and removed it, after taking a deep breath, the piano started to play the song 'Hold me Tight'. Like I said before , I've only heard this song once but Jungkook was in his worse state possible.

One day , I was following him , hoping to confess my feelings but that wasn't the case. I found him. He was in the vocal room , sitting at the piano ,papers and ripped pieces scattered everywhere. He was hung over the top part of the piano , crying , pencil in hand attempting to continue on. He played the notes and sung and as he reached certain parts of the lyrics , he would cry out. It was painful for me to watch , but it was also great to see him afterwards have a wide smile. And again like I said before , it was always a fake smile to his his burden : Taehyung.

Here it began. He was about to sing it. A song he wrote for a specific person for a specific meaning.

A/N : This is my English vers of 'Hold me tight'. It's only for story purposes , it might not add up to the music.

"Just hold me tight~. Don't let me go , please no~woah. Can you trust me? Can you trust me? Can you trust me? I just don't understand! How can you be oh so cruel? Can't you see I only live for you~oh woah. Can't you see all my tears? , sadly our breakup is near but for just one last time can you please hold me tight~.

Jungkook then held the mic out towards the crowd and wiped his tears with his sleeve. After the piano stopped, he slowly lowered his hand and walked off stage. I was shocked and so was the audience while they were too busy applauding and cheering, I slipped out my seat and went backstage. I swallowed my scaredy-cat personality and opened a door to see Jungkook chugging down water and some pills.

"Jung..kook?" I had my mouth open slightly , I couldn't stop blinking . He looked at me and tears came falling down. I took a step closer and slowly opened my arms to him. He fell into my chest and dropped the water bottle and pills. I looked down and felt some relief , they were just to rid headaches , for a minute there I thought they were something much more dangerous or even worse than that. "Shh , shh." I whispered in his ear and rubber his head. I thought to myself about how the book didn't predict this. This is a moment not even Jin could guess , it was a sacred memory that only he and I would share and it only got better.

"Jimin-" He slowly backed away and wiped his face with his left arm , he was still holding on to my arm. "Oh!" I shouted out , remembering the rose in my bag. I pulled it out and smiled at him. "Tah-dah!" He looked at me and then at the rose. "I got this for you , you were amazing out there , I'm glad I was able to come . You really are special , Jungkook." He didn't say a word , his mouth was partly opened and he took a step closer to me.

" I didn't know if you liked roses or not but it's the rose of love and , I mean it's stop for love but I -" I was cut off by his lips connecting to mine. My eyes were wide open and my heart was giving up on me , beating like it was about to be the last beat I ever have. Jungkook gripped onto my arm , adding so much pressure causing me to walk back and against the wall. "Jungkook" I moaned into his mouth, he releases the kiss and stepped back from me. Jungkook then shook his head , saying to himself 'no , no'. "I-I'm sorry ...Jimin , oh my god , I-". He ran out and left me there shocked beyond words. I couldn't explain at that time what the kiss meant to him but for me it meant a lot.

"M-my first k-kiss..."


I am. Very. Very. Proud of this chapter. I have to personally rate myself 11/10! How about you guys? How was it for you!?

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