What to choose...? Chapter 3

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When I got home I went straight up to my room to finish my homework that was due the next day. I'm not very organised when it comes to homework so I'm definitely glad I have my 'super neat freak' sister help me. She, like my mum, can't stand mess or anything not being organised.
So everyday she helps me sort out my school work and homework.

After all my homework was done I called Liv. It was a Friday evening and we were going out to a friends party. I had no idea what to wear so I asked Liv. She's the best at fashion advice and knows my wardrobe like the back of her hand! I sometimes wonder if she  knows it better than me!

She sent me a photo of what she was wearing but I still didn't know. I think the problem is, I have way to many clothes!

There were going to be a lot of boys at the party and I heard from someone that Ethan was going to be there, so I needed to wear something that would impress him.
Normally, what Liv does, is she picks me out three outfits from my wardrobe and I then pick one to wear.
This works out great for me as I have three great outfits. Sometimes they all look so good that I have to get Liv to pick one out for me!

The first outfit she picked was a white cropped top with a black skater skirt and white heels.
The next one was a black top with grey flowers at the bottom with white jeans and white converse wedges.
And the final one was a black tight dress with matte black heels.
I loved them all but I had to go with the third option. I had to make a good impression and it was definitely the one to choose.

After we were changed, Liv came round to style our hair and put our make up on. Liv was wearing a red dress, similar to mine, but hers was backless. She looked beautiful, even without make up. She doesn't really care about what she looks like with or without makeup and that's partly the reason I love her so much. She's so confident and independent!

I had my hair straightened and then the ‭ends curled and Liv had the whole of her hair straightened and down.

We both had natural makeup on and it looked gorgeous. My eyeshadow was my favourite part of the look as it was sparkly and really brought out the blue in my eyes.

I looked in the mirror at myself. For once I felt pretty. I felt like someone might actually notice me for once. I felt like I mattered.

My mum waved us off as we carefully climbed in to the taxi full of party guests and drove off to the party.

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