Recovery (Part2)

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Veronica's POV

I feel numb as hell. My eyes are low as shit. I feel good though.

Ding Dong. .Ding Dong

That must be Mary she's always early.

What's up boo?

I fine just ready to go out and burn off some energy.

Veronica, you can lie to everybody else but you can't lie to me. I know you , and you know I know when something is wrong so spit it out.

I am fine , I swear Mary.

Keep telling yourself that sis. Whenever your ready too talk. I am ready to listen okay.


That's why I love Mary. She's not pushy you know. She lets me open up when I'm ready. She doesn't judge you. She doesn't say anything at all. That's all she does is listen to me. And I thank her for that, because sometimes that's all I really need is a shoulder to cry on, and a ear to listen. I need to stop this before I start crying again.

Stop... Mary please stop, tonight is suppose to be a great night. I have amazing news. So let take a shots.

You know I don't drink.

Well I'll just take two shots for the both of us then.

You are a mess.

I'll drink to that.

So as I am drinking my second shot the door bell rings. I guess that's the girls. I yell back to Mary.

Yeah most likely, she yelled back.

I open the door it wasn't the girls at all. It was the last person I wanted to see right now.

What are you doing here?

Don't you really think this has gone on for far to long now Veronica?

No Eric, I don't think this has gone on for far to long. You want to know what I think? Huh Eric.

What!! Tell me what you are thinking Veronica.

What I think that this is long over due. You think you're so slick with your shit but your not. You think I don't know about all the different women. Or the fact that you haven't been faithful to me since we started dating. And that was way back in high school. I am so over this shit.

What the fuck are you talking about? Cheating... Me cheating on you. Why would I cheat on you. You know your only one for me. I can't believe you are accusing me of cheating on you because I came home late one night. You know how much I love you.

Are you done? First of all watch your fucking tone when your talking to me. I am not beneath you. I am your fucking equal. So you are going to speak to me with respect. Got it? Secondly, you can sit here and fake hurt all the hell you want. You and I both know you ain't shit when it comes to being a faithful husband so let's not trip. Okay. Lastly, you have absolutely no right to even have an attitude right now so check that shit.

Look Veronica I am not cheating. I don't know what you're talking about. I only want you.

You funny as hell. So while you only want me now. I don't want your ass at all. So you can kindly leave now.

What you going to do without me?You really act like you can live without me. I am all you know. You live and breath me baby. Nobody will love you like I love you. Nobody will treat you like how I treat you. You are mine always have been and always will be. Your not going anywhere. You know where you belong.

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