Brother to Brother talk

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(Hi everyone!  For all of you that have read my other TLOS 5 fan fic The Final Battle, this is a different one.  After I finished first one TLOS 5, I had so many other ideas, and I got more ideas after I saw the new cover.  So I decided to make a new one.  So I hope you like this one. Please Vote and Comment.)  Disneylove8😄😎

It was a dark rainy day in the Fairytale World, and John Bailey was walking towards Pinocchio Prison. The guards let him in and he walked up to the top floor. He walked up to Lloyds cell. He peaked inside and saw Lloyd carving something out of wood. John took off his hood.

"Hello Lloyd." John said.  Lloyd looked at him and stood up.

"Hello John, how did you know it was me?"  Lloyd asked.  "Since I have this bag over my head."

"Mother told me what happened."  John said.

"Of course she did."  Lloyd said.  "She always wanted me gone.  She's finally happy she did."

"No she didn't."  John said.  "She loved you just as much as she did me."

"No she didn't!"  Lloyd said and grabbed onto his cell bars.  "You were always the favorite.  You were always her heir of magic.  You could have had so much power, but you threw that all away when you decided to choose true love instead."

"I loved Charlotte too much to leave her."  John said.  "I couldn't stand to be apart from her."

"Love is weakness."  Lloyd said.

"No, love is strength."  John said.  "It always has been.  I wish you had learned that."

"How could you love someone that has no power to anything.  No heir to a throne?"  Lloyd asked.

"Because, she was so different.  I didn't want to marry someone from this world.  Even though I love this world, it's filled with undeserved luxury.  In the world Charlotte lives in you have to work hard for what you want, and I love that."  John said.  "I saw a real difference in that world.  That if you work hard enough, you could accomplish anything."

"You know how much I hate your little speeches John."  Lloyd said.

"How did you get like this?"  John asked.

"I will never tell."  Lloyd said.

"Well,  I just came to see how you were doing."  John said.  "Goodbye Lloyd."

While John walked away a picture fell out of his pocket and flew into Lloyds cell.  Lloyd picked it up.

"Well, well, well.  What do we have here."  Lloyd asked.

John whipped his head around and saw Lloyd holding the picture.  He ran back to his cell and tried grabbing it back, but Lloyd wouldn't let him.

"Lloyd give it back!"  John said.

"Well you've been busy haven't you."  Lloyd said.  "Are these my niece and nephew?"

John stayed silent.  He didn't know if he should tell Lloyd information like that.  Even after he found out that his daughter Alex was an heir of magic.

"Yes they are."  John said immediately wanting to take back what he had said.

"They seem nice."  Lloyd said.  "The girl looks like she could be very important someday."

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