Reds Robot Twin

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The next day, Connor couldn't stop thinking about Bree.  He desperately wanted to see her again, but Alex kept bugging him about going into another story.  Connor tried to stop thinking about her but it was hard.

Alex went upstairs and pulled Connor out of bed and down the stairs.  Charlotte and Bob took Wendy around town for some shopping so the twins and their friends could journey through the stories.  The twins were so grateful   for them, they were helping them so much by keeping everything a secret from their grandmother.

Alex pulled Connor down the stairs.  Good thing he went to sleep in his clothes.  Connor was so out of it he probably couldn't even put regular clothes if he did sleep in his PJ's.

Downstairs, Arthur, Goldilocks, Jack and Red were looking through all the stories. 

"I found one!"  Red said.  "The Powerful Queen.  Is this one about me Connor?"

Connor didn't answer her.  He was still thinking about the night before.  He was staring into space and was smiling.

"Aww, he's got it bad."  Red said.  She then burst into tears.  Thinking about love made her think about Froggy.  "I miss Charlie.  When we get back I want to use one part of our army to just destroy Morina."

"Don't worry Red we'll get him back."  Alex said. 

"This story seems great though."  Jack said.  "You ready Connor."

Connor was still staring into space.  Goldilocks walked over to him and slapped him.

"OUCH!"  Connor said and rubbed his cheek.

"You need to snap out of it!"  Goldilocks said.  "We've got to focus.  This is not the time to focus on other non important things."

"Well I'm sorry if I had a good time last night.  I'm sorry though.  I should be paying attention."  Connor said.

"Yes you should."  Alex said.  "Your not taking this seriously.  We've already spent to much time here.  Maybe we should finish the rest in the Fairytale World." 

"No we can finish here."  Connor said.

"But we need at least Ariels team to fight.  She has a pretty big crew.  Its not enough, but it might be perfect for a cover while we work and getting the others."  Alex said.  "Arthur could you go into the deadly pirates and get Ariel and her crew."

"I would love to."  Arthur said.  "But what about you?"

"I'm going to be there soon don't worry."  Alex said.  Alex walked into the kitchen and grabbed a book that was on the counter.  She walked back over the Arthur.  "Take this.  It's a Fairytale Treasury.  Use this to head into the fairytale world.  I'll give you a tiny bit of the potion so you could get into it."

"Alex how are we going to get the rest of the army home if Arthur is taking the book?"  Connor asked.

"I'll use my magic to open a portal."  Alex said.  "Go Arthur.  You have to hurry.  We'll be there soon."

Arthur grabbed the book and kissed Alex.  He didn't want to say goodbye to her again.  But he knew that he would see her again.  Alex poured a little bit of the potion into a little bottle and gave the bottle the Arthur.  Arthur poured a tiny bit of the potion onto the deadly pirates and jumped inside.

"So should we go in the Powerful Queen now?"  Red asked.

"Yes."  Alex said.  She poured a drop of the potion on the paper and they jumped in. The world of the powerful queen formed around them. They appeared in a kingdom full of robots and all the buildings were made of shiny metal.

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