Random Short Story 5: Love is blind.

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"I wish I wasn't blind."

Karen heard Kyle chuckle as she said these. Karen felt Kyle's hands squeezing hers. It made her feel comfortable and unafraid.

"What?" Karen smiled.

"You know, there's nothing wrong with being blind. You didn't choose to be one." Kyle said, glancing over at his girlfriend. Karen's head rested on his shoulder as they sat together in the waiting bench inside the hospital.

"Yeah, I know. It's just that, I want to see the beauty of this world." She sighed. Kyle just listened attentively.

"And of course, I want to see how you look like." Karen continued. She could feel Kyle's rapid heartbeat. She found it funny thinking it sounded like music.

"No need to. I'm handsome. Just think that way." Kyle joked, hoping to cheer up his girl.

Karen poked him hard on his chest.

"Shut up jerk." She commented but she was smiling. Karen traced her fingers through Kyle's face. He felt his features: his sharp nose, the well defined jaw line. And his eyes. Karen knew his eyes were hazel green. He told her so.

They both heard the door creak open. It was the nurse.

"Karen Hyles. You're next."

Karen nodded. Kyle gave her a comforting hug before entering the doctor's office. Kyle guided her inside and went out afterwards. Karen doesn't want him to be inside. As much as possible, she doesn't want him to know how bad her condition is.

Karen sat alone, darkness creeping inside her.

"Good day, Karen." The ophthalmologist greeted in a sing-song voice. Karen smiled in response. She hated this doctor very much. Well, she hated everybody else except her boyfriend. But really, this is like a cat-dog situation.

Karen just hated her since day one. Karen didn't even know why, but she just hated her more than anybody else.

"Look, we need a donor."

Look? Bitch please.

"Then, an eye operation."

We don't even have a donor yet. Tsk .

She knew she was acting bitchy all the time, and thought that this might be her karma. She's hopeless.

After the check up session, Kyle took him out for a walk in the park. They sat in the park bench, Kyle's arms over Karen's shoulder. They just sat there listening to the noises around them.

Karen thought how different things ought to be if she wasn't born blind.

"Do you love me?" Karen spoke softly.

Kyle looked at her, slightly flustered.

"Why, of course." He answered reassuringly.

"Really?" Karen asked.

"Yes." Kyle replied. He was completely confused where these doubts popped from.

"How about me, if I go blind, would you still love me?" Kyle stared at her.

Karen stopped for a split second. Kyle has been a very caring, responsible and loving boyfriend to her. She wants to return the favour, of course.

"Yeah." Karen responded.

Kyle just smiled at this. He trusted her, but it just sounded so wrong.

The following week, Karen's phone rang. It was the doctor, informing her about a donor and her operation, scheduled next week. Karen asked who it was, but the doctor hung up.

Karen was extremely excited to share this good news to Kyle. Unfortunately, he wasn't picking up his phone. Karen didn't see him even at the day of her operation. She just didn't bother.

A few weeks after the transplant, Karen finally had her sight. She was so delighted when she saw her eyes in the mirror: hazel green.

Karen continued living her life with her new pair of eyes. Eventually, she forgot about Kyle. Since she didn't know his whereabouts, she didn't effort to look for him. Who cares? She's got everything she wanted now.

A month later, somebody texted Karen. It was Kyle, asking if she could meet with him. She texted back a 'yes'

At the park, Karen saw Kyle sitting in their favourite spot. He's wearing a pair of black sunglasses.

Karen sat by his side and greeted him. Kyle just smiled. He's acting really weird all of a sudden. And he looks so damn skinny.

Awkwardness reigned in both of them. Neither had courage to start off a topic or whatsoever. They're just there, staring at the clouds somewhere, quiet.

Kyle wasn't saying a thing. He just looked away at a distance, seems like ignoring Karen's presence.

Meanwhile, a lot of questions ran out and about Karen's mind. She kept quiet but her brain couldn't stop thinking odd thoughts.

Like, this guy isn't Kyle. Is he? Or if he's Kyle, what happened?

Everything has changed all of a sudden. Why has he gotten so skinny? Why's he wearing sunglasses? Why's he so quiet? He's not that hyper energetic anymore, the talkative and sweet guy she used to know.

He's empty. So empty and vain.

"Hey, have you been missing meals again?" Karen joked, "You look so skinny, Kyle."

Kyle let out a short chuckle. "Uhm, sort of."

Karen nodded, dropping the topic.

Yes. Kyle's have been skipping meals, locking himself at his room, sitting in the dark. Alone. Kyle experienced much misery as Karen had. If she only knew.

"Karen," he said, almost whispering. "Do you love me?"

Karen was startled at this. She bit her lower lip, and puffed her cheeks out. This is so unexpected. She's out of words to explain her side.

"Would you?" Kyle continued, slowly removing his sunglasses.

"Y-You're blind?" Karen gasped.

Tears started streaming down Kyle's cheeks. Karen's eyes turned watery, but she ain't gonna cry. She wouldn't. Why would she?

"Would you love me... Still?"

Kyle was hoping for a yes. But he knew it wouldn't be one. An dit hurts.

"I'm sorry." Karen breathed out, slung her bag on her shoulder And started walking.... Away.

Kyle was aware. The crisp sound of Karen's footsteps on the grass. Those two words were like knives stabbing his already weary heart.

By that second, he understood. Maybe there was no care, no concern, nor love. Not even a little. Nothing at all.

He realized that his fairy tale had turned into a one-sided love story, and Karen never loved him back.

It was just the benefits.

As Karen's image fades away, Kyle wiped the tears still streaming down his cheeks.

"Just take care of my eyes, Karen."

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