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The first thing you felt was a piercing headache as you started to regain counciousness. You heard faint "She's awake!" And then multiple other voices "oh Thank God! (Y/N)-Chan!", "(Y/N)-Chan!".

You opened your eyes only to start blinking rapidly as your eye's adjusted to the light coming into the....room?

Your eye's finally adjusted and you saw the worried faces of your teammates. You smiled weakly "hey guys. What'd I miss?"

Your teammates then started laughing at your weird humor while you were possibly severely injured. Sasuke smiled lightly and kakashi-sensei just chuckled slightly his eye's curving into a 'U' shape.

You then looked around without moving your aching head too much "where are we?" You asked quietly.

Naruto was the one who answered "were at the old man's house!"

You nodded slightly and then attempted to get up before Sakura stopped you by placing a hand on your shoulder "Your still injured and you can open up your wounds. Rest for now, it's still early."

You went back down with a small huff and looked away you felt weak and useless. You didn't want to just sit here while your teammates were doing all the work and training.

"B-but, I feel fine!" You said trying to sit up before a sharp pain crawled up your spine causing you to freeze up with wide eye's with your back arched and your hair covering your eye's.

Sakura panicked as well as everyone else in the room and she came over you and moved the hair out of your eye's "(y/n)! What's wrong?!"

She gasped as she saw your eye's were blank and grey compared to your normally vibrant (e/c) eye's. Naruto came forward then and looked at you worried "what happened! Is she still in pain? Sakura! Tell me what's wrong with (y/n)-Chan!"

Kakashi looked at the girl worried before noticing her eyes and spoke softly "she is reliving a memory".

"The pain in her wound must have triggered something causing her to relapse" Kakashi continued as sasuke put a hand on your cheek turning your face to his own.

Sakura looked at her teammate in worry placing a hand on her arm. Naruto scowled in frustration and anger "this is all that cow printed bastard zabuza's fault!"

Kakashi suddenly got up after five minutes of silence and anger hanging thick in the air "let's give her some space, we need to begin training".

Everyone was to caught up to notice their sensei Said training. Sakura rubbed your arm softly whispering a few comforting words before she walked out.

Sasuke seemed more angry with himself than anything and smiled softly towards you before getting up and walking out while swearing to himself he'd protect you with his life.

Naruto was the last as Kakashi retreated with sasuke "forgive me (y/n)-Chan. I-i wasn't strong enough....I couldn't protect you. But, I'll protect you from now on because...you mean so much to me. I didn't have anybody, till I met you. I will fight for you and beside you, and If I had to I'd die for you."

Naruto leaned down and kissed your forehead softly before leaving to look for his teammates.

You started whimpering soon after he left and turned on your side. You blinked but your eye's remained blank. You started breathing heavy and gave a pained groan.


You ran. You couldn't breathe. Your legs were pumping and ever where hurt. You looked behind you, they were still after you. But why?

What did you do?!

Your only a six year old gir! What could you possibly have done?!

You dodged a stray tree branch and zigzag through the trees. You wiped the tears blurring your vision and stumbled as you heard twigs snap behind you.

You then cried out as your bare feet hit a stub on the ground, you rolled to the ground with a thud your knees scraping the ground.

You sat up cautiously and looked around with an overwhelming fear that shook you to the bone. You jumped as you heard a terrified scream that echoed in the air.

"Mommy..." you cried weakly into the bloody night air.

You curled up into a ball as you cried yourself to sleep.

As you slept, a figure leaned down over your small body with a small smirk before placing a hand on your back.

You whimpered in your sleep as his hand glowed a dark blue and absorbed into your back. The figure then turned his back and said "I will see you again, little one".

You awoke hours later squirming in pain. You cried out into the midnight air, tears rained down your face feeling as if your ribs were being crushed at every movement you made.

Where was your mommy?!

Why were you alone?!

You didn't like being alone...

Why were you so alone...

You ceased your movements and looked into the stars "Mommy? Daddy?" A tear slipped out of your red and puffy eye's "why'd you leave me?"

Was it your fault?

Where you so weak? That you couldn't even save your family?!

I'll avenge you...all of you. And then I'll join you...

Flashback ends

You opened your eyes once more returning to your normal eye color and sat up the pain had faded.

You put a hand to your stomach and sighed before your hands clawed through your hair. You groaned and got up with a wince before stumbling and using the wall for support.

You looked out the window to see your team training outside. You smiled slightly and then saw a glimpse of (h/c ) in the trees. You arched your brow and squinted to get a better lock.

A female was in the trees and turned towards you. Your eye's widened in shock "m-mom?"

The woman smiled at you and you started breathing heavily before opening the window and jumping out. But, once you looked again she was gone and you lost your balance from the pain in your abdomen.

You frowned and your eye's started watering before you got up with your fists clenched and your eye's saddened and angered at nobody but yourself.

You had some training to do.

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