Chapter 3

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Today is our first football game and I'm more scared than excited. We're playing Washington High School which is Tate's team. Last night he tried having sex with me and when I couldn't get away that's when Logan saved me. I'm usually a really tough girl but that was the most scariest experience of my life. I walk out with my gear on with Logan by my side and that's when I spot Tate Matthews. I advert my eyes from him and keep walking towards the bench. On the field the guys just act like I'm one of them which is awesome. After practicing for a bit we go to our benches as the announcer calls out the first string. First he calls Washington High School and once he reads Tate's name I mentally groan. As my team is called out the crowd goes wild. My name is the last one called since I'm the quarterback and everyone in the crowd goes absolutely crazy. I guess having a girl on the team gets everyone fired up. We all stand in line as the National Anthem is sung and we all sing along. I can feel Tate staring at me and I know Logan can sense my uncomfortableness. Once the song is over we start yelling to get the crowd pumped up.

"LETS GOOOOO!" We yell.

Logan goes out for the coin toss but loses. Washington decided to have us start with the ball which is really telling us "oh yeah our defense is better anyway we can stop you" but they're in for a surprise. I run out onto the field and take my position after the ball was punted. Right now we're on the 30 yard line by our end zone.

"Down. Set. Hike." I yell.

I search for an open teammate and then I spot Logan. I throw the ball perfectly to him and he catches it with ease. I watch him run down to the 50 yard line until he's tackled.

The next play, I'm not so lucky.

No one's open and I haven't idea what to do so I'm about to run when I'm slammed to the ground. Dammit. They sacked me. My helmet flies off and i hear the crowd gasp as I lay there for a couple seconds.

"Awe does the little princess need to sit out?" The guy who sacked me says.

"You're not going to get rid of me that easily," I say a pull my helmet back on.

I'm a bit dizzy when I get up but it's nothing I've never felt before. The crowd is ecstatic as they watch me get back into my position.

Second and 10, I gotta step it up. Once I get the ball I make a few good passes that gives us another fort down. That's when I make the best throw of the game so far. I notice Logan waiting near the end zone. It's a relatively long pass but I go for it. I watch intently as the ball lands perfectly in his arms. Touchdown Westfield High. I walk over to the sideline with Logan and coach comes up to us.

"You two make a pretty good team."

"Yeah, we do," Logan says and slings his arm around me.

By halftime the score was 21-3 us.

Washington starts the second half with the ball and I watch on the sidelines as our defense holds them back. Its fourth an three and Washington goes for it. They score a touchdown which frustrates me. They punt the ball and then I walk out onto the field into my right full position.

The game ends 38-17. Luckily I never got hurt except that one time. As I'm packing my things into my duffle I feel a presence behind me.

"Why hello baby doll, long time no see," a familiar voice says and I freeze.

I whip around to see Tate standing there smirking at me.

"So where's your little boyfriend, darling?"

"He's not my boyfriend."

"Oh really? So what I'm hearing is you're single?"

"Go fuck yourself."

I start walking towards the school and I notice that Tate's following me.

"Leave me alone, Tate," I say.

"But ever since that party I couldn't stop thinking about you. The fear in your eyes, knowing I could do so much."

Once I've almost made it to the school I've realized that we're out of sight. No one can hear or see us, giving Tate an advantage. He slams me on the nearest wall and gets dangerously close.

"Now why don't we finish what we've started," as he's about to kiss me I go in for a punch.

I feel the bones in his nose crunch once my fist comes in contact with it. He falls to the ground but quickly gets back up with rage now filling his eyes. He lunges for me and I duck, escaping his reach. I turn around and sneak another punch in causing him to groan. He jumps on top of me and I'm knocked to the ground with him still laying on me.

"Now this is not like it."

He pins my arms above my head with one hand like he did before and snakes the other hand on my inner thigh. Not letting this go on any longer, I knee him in the balls. He recoils in pain and I take that opportunity to throw another punch and then I get my things and bolt into the school. I look back to see if Tate is chasing me and that's when I bump into someone.

"Rachel?" Logan says.

"Oh my god Logan I am so glad to see you," I say and pull him into a hug.

At this point only one of Logan's hugs can make me feel better. I think it's because of how they make me feel so safe.

"What going on Rachel?" He asks calmly.

"Tate," I all I can say because even thinking about him makes me want to burst into tears.

"It's okay," he says in my ear while he strolls my hair. "You're safe now, I promise."

I think I might be falling in love with Logan Roberts and I don't know why.

So guys how'd you like it? There's been a lot of #Rogan happening and I wonder how you guys like it. Remember to VOTE and COMMENT!


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