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The next morning, I woke up hungry. Maybe it wasn't a bold move to sleep last night without eating anything. My stomach grumbled in protest as I rolled on my good arm, and moaned in displeasure.

"Hungry?" I rolled back and look up towards the voice, finding a smirking Logan by the door. He looked amused.

"You know you shouldn't make fun to a person who is grumpy when hungry... they're irritable..." I stated sternly, yet my lips twitched slowly into a smirk.

"Right. Sorry... But, I brought food. So, don't get all irritable grizzlies on me." he said, eyeing me sheepishly with a small smile, his voice teasing.

"Finally!" I sighed in contentment, seating myself upright in my bed. "Settle it right here..." I added after, patting my lap.

He walked towards me, finally noticing the tray he was holding since I was only looking at his eyes - those deep soft, blue eyes which mirror a clear sea on midday. I snapped myself out of that trance and tried to keep my focus on the tray of food he was bringing me.

"Oh my god... is that what I think it is?" I asked, mouth hanging wide open as I stare at the plate full of my favorite chocolate chip pancake, drip in chocolate sauce. It was a sinful meal in a platter that has a warning sign that says 'this will ruin your figure!'

"Annette drop this off saying that it was a peace offering from all of us for yesterday, with the exception of that one person." He said, smirking at my expression.

"She sure knows me well enough..." mumbled to myself with a grin as I reach for the tray to get my hands on the sinful meal.

"Uhm... I don't think you should be having that for break... Okay, never mind..." Logan started but stop as I look up at him deadly, threatening him with my eyes if he tells me a word about not having my chocolate chip pancake for breakfast.

"You know... you should know better to get in between with me and a lustful meal..." I stated at him with a smirk, and let out a soft chuckle, looking sheepish.

"Yeah... I remember..." he said softly, almost a whisper, beside me.

There was a short silence befall on us as we stared at each other with a small smile, reminiscing a past the we both knew too well. Then, feeling a sudden tension - the sexual kind - linger in the air, I cleared my throat to help me get out in that trance. I turn my gaze away from his now, liquid, clear, Caribbean blue eyes, that twinkled for a slight moment.

"Well... Uhm.. Thanks for bring the food... I'll be digging in then..." I stammered as I grabbed the plastic spoon and fork and slowly cut into the pancake.

"You're welcome..." he said, as I hear soft footsteps walking away from me. "And oh! I almost forgot..." he added, stopping by the door, which made me look up at him curiously from the tone of his voice. "I think your ex-boyfriend never deserve you in the first place..." he stated with a one hundred watts smile that made my heart beat rose, as I felt a sudden warmth in my cheeks. "Enjoy your meal." He added as he turn the door open and walk out of the room, my eyes still glued at his retreating figure.

I sat there, staring at the now empty spot where Logan stood with that smile, my heart still thumping in a fast beat. I drop my fork dramatically and stared back down at the now unappetizing chocolate chip pancakes. "What the hell just happen?" I mumbled to myself frantically.

As I sat there, eating my bland chocolate chip after witnessing that heart stopping smile, my mind kept going back and back again at the image of Logan and the smile. A smile that made me blush. Me. Blush. One of the few things about me that doesn't happen very often is blushing. I'm not a giddy person who gets all flustered with just a smile. Sure, I blush when someone does sexual, erotic things to my body, but a smile? The guy didn't even touch me and I was already feeling all warm inside with a smile that made me blush. What was happening to the world? Sure, once upon a time, this guy made me feeling things that used to scare me, which ironically, I wanted now, but that was ancient times. I'm a grow up, mature woman, who have a rising career within her grasp, and has a life that is put together at the age of twenty six. I'm might be having mid-life crisis sooner than later.

I was so preoccupied by my thoughts I didn't notice someone enter my room and call my name. I felt a nudge in my good arm, which startled me like I've seen a ghost. "God! Nerissa! Are you trying to scare me to death?" I asked, trying to calm myself with deep breaths.

"Hey... It isn't my fault you were on your little own world... I did call your attention twice..." she stated defensively as she took a seat on the chair beside my bed. I only rolled my eyes at her in reply, not really admitting that I was in my own little world. "So, how are you?" she asked after she settled herself comfortable in the chair.

"What do you think?" I asked back sarcastically, gesturing myself with my good hand from head to toe.

"Right... wrong question..." She stated, rolling her eyes.

"Yeah... well, you weren't the first to ask me that..." I said, chuckling lightly to myself. "So, how are things at work? Kate texted me some things but in my understanding from her message, you all are doing good without me..." I said questionably, raising an eyebrow at her.

"I can't say we are doing good... I mean, we are holding up fine... So, maybe that's a term of being good these days?" she said, trailing of in a question as she look at me sheepishly.

I eyed her for a moment, waiting for her to spill, but since she stayed silent, I had to ask. "Tell me everything... no sparing my feelings here..." I stated seriously, keeping my eyes level with hers.

She sighed heavily as she closed her eyes in defeat, and then she told me everything, not sparing my feeling at all. Turns out, Rick appointed someone to take my place for a while until I've recovered; and if I don't recover fast, I would lose my hand in this project I've been killing myself for weeks. All the sleepless nights, the caffeine intakes that could literally be a health issue in the future, all gone down the drain if I don't get myself out of the hospital as fast as I can. The situation was bad, much bad that I ought to have guessed in my life. First, I just got cheated by my boyfriend, and then got myself into an accident, and now this. I'm going to lose the job I've worked my ass for years because they think I'm in my death bed.

"Nerissa. Tell Rick that I'll be in the office next week, first thing on Monday morning." I said sternly after a short pause when Nerissa finish telling me everything.

"Wait... Aren't you going to be here for a while?" she asked me, eying the cast in my arm, and then glance down at the cast on my feet.

"I'll be there, Nerissa. Just tell Rick that, please." I said, my voice calm and serious.

She looked at me for a moment, like she was debating whether to agree with me or not, but sighed in defeat as she saw my unwavering expression. "Okay. I'll tell him tomorrow." She said.

"Thank you, Neri. I really appreciate what you've done for me..." I said, this time more soft and calm.

"Just promise me you'll rest before you get back to work... You need it." she stated, pointing at me in a commanding gesture to stay in bed.

"Yes, Ma'am," I replied with a grin, pulling the covers up as I acted like I was not going anywhere away from that bed.

Nerissa stayed for a few more minutes until her phone rang, which was her cue to go since it was for work. She hesitantly got out of the door, still telling me as she goes to not get out of bed and rest until the door closes, and then the room fell silent again. After a few minutes, seating there alone again, staring at the white walls, I settled myself back to sleep, knowing that I need it as much to get out of her before next week, Monday, for work. I just hope that the hospital would allow my release then. And, from the looks of the cast in my arm and leg, it was a thin hope.

By next day, Annette finally showed her face again, begging for forgiveness about the two nights before. I kept my face stern and expressionless, but when she literally groveled on the floor when I asked her too, I couldn't anymore hold my façade and laughed so hard, I thought I was going to pee myself. We pretty much made up after that, with a peace offering of chocolate mousse cake, I couldn't resist not accepting her forgiveness. The mousse cake had me there. So, for the rest of the day, she kept me company as we talk about the visit with Nerissa and lightly joked around with my ex-boyfriend defeated look after I kick them out.

"So, are you going to move out of the apartment or just stay there and pay the rent for both?" Annette asked after we laughed about her impersonation of Daniel's cowardly looks when Tristan literally kicks his ass out of the building.

"Uhm... I haven't really thought much about it... But, I am sure to move out. I can't pay the rent with just my salary; it would cut back my shopping expenses. And, I got my eye on this Ferragamo bag." I said, sighing heavily.

"Yeah... because the world would be damn if you don't get enough money to splurge on a Ferragamo bag..." Annette said sarcastically, rolling her eyes as she grins at me, nodding her head in disagreement.

"You know me... That Ferragamo bag is a must have on the list." I said, faking hurt, but then laugh at my own words with her joining in.

After that, we talk about unnecessary things and topics that are mostly rated PG. She didn't anymore bring up Daniel's name or Logan's visits. Around noon, Tristan visited me, giving me his own version of an apology. He brought with him my favorite cranberry flavored - with a dash of vodka - alcoholic beverage that he went to such great lengths to sneak inside the facility. For that, he was forgiven directly. From then on, they both stayed and accompanied me until dinner. By nine, they excused themselves and went home. I was again left alone with myself as I cuddled the blanket, waiting for sleep to take me.

I thought about that morning again, the smile, the blush, and his words. Why did Logan give me his opinion about my ex-boyfriend? This is a ridiculous revelation I'm getting myself work up about. I mean, so what he said those words? So what he made me blush? Okay, maybe it's not a good sign that he made me blush with just his smile. Oh, that smile... I think I'm blushing again. Damn it, you! Why do you have such a very intoxicating, I-want-to-sex-you-up, smile?! That's so unfair to someone whose celibating - and, yes, I've decided that when that jerk had that whore grind on him - to be caught off guard. I want some structure and some normalcy after everything that happened. Plus! I'm about to lose a job because people thought I was dying. I need to grab a hold of my life and set it back on track. This is a mess!

If I kept myself work up more and more, I know I wouldn't be able to sleep at all. So, I cleared out my mind, thinking of nothing as much as I can as I lay there waiting for sleep to take me. I think it worked since the next thing I knew was I am falling into darkness with not light in sight. It wasn't an uncomfortable darkness; it felt like I've been there, like I knew it was the passage way to get to sleep. So, I let myself fall until unconsciousness engulfs me.

The next morning, I woke up with a bright light, streaming down the open curtain in my room. I first heard mummers before I could finally make out the words. I slowly blink my eyes, letting it adjust to the light, and saw a nurse by the foot of my bed.

"Good Morning, Ms. Coleman. How are we today?" the nurse finally noticed me being awake. She walked to my side and help me seat up straight.

"I'm good... Is there something going on today?" I asked my voice still slightly horse from sleep.

"We'll be taking the bandage on your leg today. It's healing pretty well and the swollen have subsided." A deep voice answered me instead of the nurse, which made me look up and meet an all too familiar Caribbean blue eyes.

"Uhm... that's good news..." I mumbled in agreement, looking away from his gaze as fast as I can; thoughts of yesterday rushing back in my head like a bullet train.

I sat there and silently watch them get the bandage off my leg. I kept my gaze away from Logan, but failed miserably. He was the one holding my leg up, his hands lightly brushing my skin, which left warm trails in them that still lingered even if his hands wasn't there anymore. I felt myself blush again, but I kept my hair down, blocking some of the view of my face, as I peek through them, watching him caress my skin lightly by my leg. I wanted to slap myself really hard to get a hold of myself and stop thinking inappropriate things that he would do to me with those strong, warm hands of his. I think I was already at the point of losing myself when his hand accidentally brushes pass the upper portion of my thigh, just close to home. I let out a hiss of frustration that he took as a hiss of pain since he lightly said sorry to me. For the rest of the duration on removing the bandage on my leg, I kept myself silent and took deep breath to come my excited and frantic heart.

When they were finally finished, I sighed in contempt which made Logan look at me. I felt his stare pierced through me, but I didn't dare myself to look up and meet his gaze, knowing that it would only made me blush some more. After he gave me some instructions while the nurse clean-up, I still kept my gaze away from him. Finally, when he finished his speech, I saw that the nurse was heading out and knew he would follow behind. Yet, he stood there beside me without any signs of going away anytime soon. When I heard the door close as the nurse got out of the room, I sighed dejectedly and turn to face him head on.

"Why are you avoiding my gaze?" he asked softly, his face serious.

I kept a poker face as I look at him, staring between his eyes rather than directly at them. "I'm not avoiding you. I was restraining myself from screaming out loud with the pain..." I said, trailing off into a whisper from the lie.

He looked at me for a moment and sighed, "Okay... If you need anything just press the call button, a nurse will attend to you." he said, back to his professional mood.

I nodded in agreement, turning my head away from him. He stood there for a while like he was going to say something more; but then, he turned and walked slowly towards the door without another word. I sighed again. I seem to be sighing a lot whenever he is around, but sighing I did. I pull the sheet out of the way to see my now free, unbandaged leg. I smiled as I lightly flexed my toes and then my ankles, twirling my foot slowly. It felt foreign for awhile until slowly I got a hang of it. I covered it back up with the sheets and look at my casted arm. "Looks like it's just you and me now..." I mumbled to myself, felting slightly mental.

Annette visited me in the afternoon. She helped me celebrate the removal of my bandaged leg with coffee and desserts. While we were talking about her recent achievement on being one of the columnist for a woman's magazine, I was on the verge on interrupting and telling her about my recent encounters with Logan. But, I held my tongue as I watch her smile happily about her new job as a columnist. So, I decided to tell her later - maybe until I get out of here and not see Logan again, plus a few more weeks after that happens.

The next day, I was surprise in the morning, waking up to Annette poking me in my good arm and almost squealing in delight about something.

"Would you tone down the enthusiasm? Patient sleeping here..." I mumbled at her annoyed, and slap her hand away.

"Wake up! Caramel Honey! You're checking out of prison today..." Annette said aloud, this time grabbing my arm to get my attention.

Her words surely woke me up and give me my full attention. "For real?" I asked excitedly, my eyes wide in shock.

"Yup! Tristan got a call this morning from your doctor that you can check out anytime today. He is outside right now filing your papers..." she explained, packing some of my stuff in my bedside table and stuffing them inside a backpack.

I stared at her, speechless by this news. And, here I thought I was going to force them to get me check out before Monday. I grabbed my phone before Annette stash it with my other stuff, looking at the date today. It was a Friday. I have two days to prepare myself for Monday. But then, I felt the weight of my cast in my arm.

"So, are they going to get this one out too?" I asked Annette softly, still looking at the cast in my arm.

"I don't think so, Ally. That one still needs to be there for a few more weeks... you'll be coming back here by then to get it taken off. But, your foot is now fine, so they let you go." She said sadly at first, but smiled as she reminded me of my free leg.

"Oh. Okay." I mumbled softly. Then, I turned myself to the side and slowly put down my good foot first and slowly my other foot that looks healed enough, you wouldn't know it was sprained a few days ago. I slowly stood up, for the first time, slightly wobbly, but I was able to right myself, putting most of my weigh in my good leg, and then took my first step.

"Are you okay?" Annette asked worriedly, who was suddenly beside me, her arm wide open and ready to catch me when I would fall.

"I'm fine. Just getting used to walking again..." I said in a teasing grin as I took another step forward.

"Right... let's not get carried away now..." she said with a chuckled and pull an arm around my good one as she help me get change in to normal clothes from my patient's one, which was turning icky from my lack of time in the shower.


A/N :

Here's chapter five. I would like to thank all my lovely readers who have been following the story, and now I'm back and free at last, well... for the next two to three weeks or so...

Please, I would love to hear from you about what you think about this story. Leave a comment and tell me what you think. A vote is always appreciated. XD 

Until next chapter. See y'all! 

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