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A/N: Hey guys! I hope you had a awesome New year's celebration. Mine was eventful, to sum it up.

I wanted to thank the people who still contine to support the story. I'm trying my hardest to have the story finish and written well. I'll have a change in updates, making it twice a week instead on once. That is my New Year Gift to you!

Anyways, Enjoy and Happy Reading!



Logan walked towards or table, but halted when his eyes landed towards mine. His gleaming eyes harden for a second. And then, he turned his attention away from me and glanced at Andre with a smile.

"Hey man, I didn't know you're back in town." Logan stated as they did a handshake that involved bumping on each other's shoulders as they held each other's hand. It was a very manly man handshake.

"I just got back, actually. I couldn't ditch a date with such a fine young woman." Andre said with pride as he glances towards me quickly and winked.

I smirked at his enthusiasm but kept myself calm. I felt Logan's eyes fell on me as Andre and I had our silent exchange, which I perfectly ignored, yet still able to notice. I didn't dare myself to look back at him and kept my gaze towards the small crowd of people in the bar while I listen to their conversation. I don't deny that I'm eavesdropping, but I'm not admitting this out loud.

"So, how are things with her?" Andre asked him, his voice almost a whisper, yet it was still loud enough for me to hear.

There was a slight pause before Logan answered. "She came to see me last night. I've talked to her, but she is stubborn." He replied sternly with a hint of anger and frustration.

"I'm so sorry about that, Doc. That woman sure is a handful." Andre voice was filled with sympathy.

I slightly glance back at the two of them and saw Andre patting Logan's shoulder in a comforting gesture. But, it wasn't Andre's friendly gesture that made my heart tighten a little. It was the expression plastered on Logan's face. It was the same look that I've had a few weeks ago when my ex-boyfriend cheated on me. The face of a man being betrayed by someone he trusted and loved.

I turned my head away from the scene, feeling a tear slowly escaping my guarded eyes. Why do I feel like crying? Sure, I can feel bad about his situation. He may have gone through the same hell as I had, but no more, no less. So, why do I feel like I wanted to comfort him right now? I wanted to hug and kiss all his pain away and make him smile again. What have I been drinking tonight? Maybe the wine Andre insisted we drink had more alcohol content than I thought it would.

They kept talking for a few more moments, which I couldn't anymore concentrate on listening. And then Logan excused himself, walking back towards a group of man across from our booth. I eyed his retreating figure for a moment before looking back at Andre, who was settling himself in the chair across from me.

"So, are you going to offer me a drink or what?" I asked in mock challenge and smirked at him, letting him know I was kidding.

"Oh. Right. Coming right up." He quickly replied, jumping out of his seat animatedly.

I stared at him with amusement, shaking my head. It was the first time in the night that Andre was loose and buoyant; he had been slightly stiff with the question and answer tactic. But, I couldn't say the night was bad, I was having fun, and still going to be having fun with this date. I only hope that I would be able to keep myself in check with my emotions, being that someone who is a potential distraction is just sitting across from me.

I glance towards Logan's direction slyly as I grabbed my phone in my bag. He was laughing hysterically about something a man in their table said, who was gesturing his hand like he was describing something huge. I turned and looked away as his head slowly turned towards my direction. Frantically, I kept my head down and looked for my phone in my black mini purse.

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