Chapter 14

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* Tim's POV *

Mom was already discharged from the hospital. But she still won't talk to me or even thank me for taking her to the hospital. Yes I was annoyed but I just ignore her. I drove her back to our house. The atmosphere was really awkward and no one seems to try to broke it. Hence, the way back home was filled with silence.

As soon as I pulled my car brakes, I helped mom to get down of the car and led her to the house. I was scared if she could faint anytime since the doctor told me that she was still recovering. We entered the door and the house smell horrible. Smells like alcohol. Ugh.

"Lets go mom." I accompanied her and she followed my lead. I knew this wasn't good. Dad was probably drinking again and he must be drunk. I asked her to stayed in my room and rest there for a while since it's the only place which has no scent of the alcohol. As soon as I left mom in my room, I hurriedly search for dad. Unfortunately, Dad was nowhere to be found. I had looked into his and mom's room, the living room, the kitchen, and the garage, but he wasn't there. Where did he go?

"Dad..Dad.." I shouted but still no sign of him. My sight was then focused on the small wooden house at the backyard. I remembered dad always stayed there when he was working or stressed. 

"He must be there!" my inner voice exclaimed.

Our backyard wasn't that large but it was cozy enough. Trees, flowers and grasses were still as alive as it used to be. 


The sound from the small wooden house break into my admiration of the backyard. I rushed myself to the wooden house and peeked from the ajared door. Holy Moses. It was messy and smell worser than in the house. The smell of alcohol was very strong. The table was a mess and there were few cans of beers laying on the floor.


My dad was shouting like a crazy person. I don't know what is it in his mind but he kept shouting and shouting. I was so frightened that he might do anything "stupid".

"Dad! Stop it! What are you doing?!" I tried to stop him from hitting his head on the wall but it was no use. He pushed me away and glared at me.



Suddenly, he grab my shirt's collar and punched my face continuously. Blood was splattered on the floor and I think I broke my nose. I couldn't hold back the pain thus I punched him back on his face, hard.

I took a step back and left the room before he could continued abusing me. By now, my face was all bruise and I barely could see anything. I tried my best to opened my eyes and walk straight to my room. I didn't even care about how I look and how would I explain this to mom.

I walked lifelessly and at last reached my room. I opened the door and saw mom sitting on the corner of the bed.

"Hey mom." I took her attention away from looking at the window.

"OMG! What happened sweetie? Why do you look like this?!" Mom stood up and walked towards to me and hold my face. Oh how I miss this feeling. The feeling of mother's love and mother's touch.

I smiled at her and shook my head, "Its okay mom. I am alright. You don't need to worry." I hold her hand which was holding my cheeks and pillowed it.

She hugged me and cried, "I am so sorry dear. I am so sorry."

She kept apologizing but I wasn't really mad at her.

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