Chapter 19

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* Tiffany's POV *

Last night was the best date ever.

As soon as I got home, I changed into my PJs and covered myself with duvet. I immediately doze off. I sleep really well last night since I was really tired. I turned off my alarm as soon as it rings and get back to sleep. Not long, I heard my dad call me from the kitchen.

"Sweet Cupcake, wake up!" my dad shouted.

I sighed and responded, "No dad. I am so tried."

"You're going to be late." my dad exclaimed.

I woke up and look at the time. It's 7am. Oh no, I am going to be late. Crap. I struggled out of bed and hurriedly go to the bathroom and do my morning routine quickly. As soon as I got dressed, I go to the kitchen and saw dad reading the newspaper.

"Dad, why did you just wake me up at this time?" I snorted while opening the refrigerator to pour some milk to my glass.

"You were really tired yesterday so thought that I'll let you sleep longer." His eyes were still focused on the newspapers.

"Duh, you're right but then I am going to be late for school." I took an apple from the fridge too. I know it's not a good combination but well screw it, I am in a rush.

"Gotta go dad. Bye." I rushed to the door and pedal my bike as fast as I could. As soon as I entered the school gate, the bell rang.

"Oh shit!" my innerself exclaimed.

I hurriedly park my bike and locked the wheels before running to my first class which was Maths. As soon as I walk into the classroom, the teacher was already there, explaining about the topics that she will teach us today. I lowered my head as I could feel that everybody was looking at me, including the teacher.

"Ms Ng, you're late." the teacher scolded.

I lowered my head and apologized, "I am sorry Ms Jane. This would be the last time."

She sighed and said, "Sit down Ms Ng."

I obeyed her instruction and sit down at the empty desk on the back, near the window.I took out my math books and start taking notes as Ms Jane explains. Yes, I am a nerd, and always aim to get As'.


The bell rang, indicating that it was lunch break now. I was really hungry since I didn't eat any carbs this morning except for an apple. I struggled myself out of the way to the canteen where I spot both Stella and Tara were sitting. Tara waved at me and I waved back, walking towards to their table at the corner.

"Hey!" I grinned as I saw a food tray full of food in front of my seat.

"Hey Tiff," They greeted back.

I sat down and start grabbing my lunch when Tara was staring at me for a while now.

"What?", I groaned at her.

"What's that? A necklace from Tim?" There its goes again, her inquisition.

"Ermm, yeah." I answered hesistantly.

"OMG! TIM IS SO DAMN SWEET!" she squealed until it was loud enough to attract most of the students attention's to us.

I flushed and lowered my head shyly.

"What are you all talking about?" a sexy voice interrupted. Oh no, I hope it's not him.

I heard him walk closer to our table and my heart seems to beat 1000000000 beats per second. I turn my head a little and saw someone in a converse shoe. I raised my head slowly and saw Tim's face.

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