New School, Same Asshole

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Chapter 3

The alarm on the new phone Lisa had gotten me yesterday sounded and I blinked my sleep away. I lazily got up and brushed my hair and put on light makeup, or should I say the only makeup I know how to do. I put on one of my new outfits, an oversized beige sweater that complimented my chocolate hair and some nice jeans, simple so I won't stand out, just the way I like it. I collected my very little school things and looked in the mirror one last time, I couldn't say I looked great, but really when did I ever. I scurried down stairs in hopes I could grab a bite to eat before the dreaded car ride with Finn. I was eating a muffin when I heard his footsteps coming down the stairs.

"Coming?" I heard Finn yell from the from the front door.

"Don't you want something to eat?" I ask delicately before I heard the door slam. I gather my things and rush out the door. Finn had already started the car and I rushed in and slammed the door. Finn pulls away from the curb and we start our drive in silence. I hear him scoff at me as I go over my schedule, this was the final straw, I gained some confidence and decided to have a quick chat with him.

"Finn, if you really can't stand me then why did you drive me today?" I ask flat out. Finn flashed me a condescending gaze.

"Because Cameron" He starts mockingly. "My parents have to work and Reese has surf in the morning and trust me I much rather would have you walk but my dear old parents just wouldn't allow it" I stare blankly at him, shocked at how blunt he was, guess he won't be showing me around. We pull into a parking spot and I gaze with wide eyes at the large school, oblivious to where I have to go.

"Reese has to take you home" He says as if I'm the biggest chore in the universe.

"Great" I sigh. I walk into the school and kids are rushing everywhere my brain gets foggy and I have to refocus my attention on getting to class. I look down at my schedule and start walking toward the five hundred buildings I feel a pair of hands grab my hips and I shoot my head up. Lucky me it's the same asshole from the mall the other day.

"Hey babe" He smirks, I wiggle away from his hands and snort at his comment. I glide past him and he grabs my forearm.

"Don't fucking ignore me" He snarls.

"Please just leave me alone" I say rather exhausted, he was much less intimidating without his posy.

"I would but it seems as though we're heading to the same class" He points to room 513 and I give a grave sigh. We walk into class just on time and I take a seat far away from that douche bag. The bell finally rung and I tried to rush out the door but douche bag caught me, he slipped me a piece of paper with his name and number, Gabe, I figured I would still call him douche bag.

The day dragged on but after all my classes it was finally over, my classes were pretty standard but it was always hard to come into the class late in the year.

"Babe" I hear from behind me, I roll my eyes and turn around.

"Not your babe" I say as harsh as I can, but before I know it my back is shoved against the lockers and it's impossible for me to move.

"But you will be" I hear Gabe whisper into my ear. Panic races through out my body and I can feel my eyes start to water.

"Get off me" I say in a choked voice.

"If you didn't want me here you would be fighting harder" He says, but I am my whole body is struggling to get him off of me. I try kicking him as he just stands there with me pinned and watches me squirm.

"Please, I don't know what I did but please get off-" Im cut off when I feel the tremendous weight lifted off of me.

"Get away from her you asshole, have you ever heard of respect" Reese starts telling Gabe off and soon enough he cowers.

"I-I" I stutter in amazement, he is unaware how greatful I am.

"Are you ok?" He asks picking up my things from the floor.

"I'll be alright, thank you so much" I say awkwardly. Reese turns around seriously, his blue eyes sharp and calculated.

"If he ever" He emphasized "tries anything like that again, promise you'll yell for me" He says, I stand there shocked, my whole life I've been treated poorly, I've come across so many Gabes. But the fact that Reese wanted to make sure I was okay, well it made me feel safe for the first time.

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