Just tell me you hate me (zayn malik fanfiction)

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‘Look what you’re doing! Are you seriously that much of a self-centred asshole?’ Liam screamed, ‘it’s like you don’t care anymore! It’s like all this doesn’t matter to you. Do you see what you’re doing? What the fucks happening?’ ‘Your screwing this up for all of us and I’m not fucking sitting around waiting for you to take your fucking head out of your ass!’

I just sat there unfazed by whatever the fuck Liam was saying. ‘ Zayn. What happened to you, you seriously need to wake the fuck up man.’

‘Liam, that’s enough’ Paul pulled Liam back and told him to sit down.

I knew things have gotten messed up, but it’s really not that bad, fucking assholes over dramatizing everything I do.

‘Liams right Zayn, look what you’re doing to yourself, your everywhere, newspapers, magazines, this has to stop. I don’t know if you notice, but all this publicity about one direction’s bad boy isn’t getting this band anywhere, and to top it off, when we told you over and over again stop everthing, this fighting, disorderly conduct , alcohol, girls, it’s all getting to you and you need to learn how to control it or else..’ I look up at Paul to see him tearing up.

‘Or else what? What so you saying you guys are going to fucking kick me out? Is that what you were going to say?’ I go to stand up but Paul steps closer to me..

‘Yes that’s what I was about to say Zayn!’ with my throat becoming drier I could feel myself tense up. I look around to see the other boys sitting close to breaking down, Harry looking at me with tears easily consuming him any second, Niall with his head held tight in the grasp of his hands, Louis sitting quietly in the corner with a worried look on his face and then liam, he wasn’t even looking at me, but by the expression on his face I knew he was hurt.

I looked down, I didn’t want to hurt these boys, their my best friends, we have came so far together, their my brothers. Swallowing everything that I was about to say. ‘Well fine, what the fuck am I supposed to do, everything’s done already, the general fucking public are pretty much convinced that they know me inside out, so what the hell am I supposed to do?’

Paul looked over surprise to get a response from me, “well everyone thinks that your a man whore alcoholic, so..” a smile then washed over his face as if he was suddenly over come with an idea,

“maybe you need to date someone”

I look up at him frowning “What?” “there is now way in fucking hell im going to date someone, as in longer than 24 hours serious relationship date someone, your fucking out of your mind!”

“No I’m serious! you Zayn Malik are going to be in a serious and committed relationship.” 

“well who, because I’m telling you now, I’m not exactly head over heels in love as this present fucking moment”

“that is why we are going to hire someone to pose as your girlfriend for the next year.”

Oh fuck me.

Just tell me you hate me (zayn malik fanfiction)Where stories live. Discover now