Chapter 2

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"How did you do that" says a familiar voice from behind me. Turn around in the spot and see a figure stood across the room masked by the shadows. 

"Who are you?" I reply curious as to who this mystery person is. 

"I'm the Doctor."


“Um…Sorry what?” I say, left confused from the mystery person, still hidden in the shadows has said.

“I’m the Doctor.” He repeats again, this time stepping out of the shadows and into the dim lights. He smiles at me giving me a cheeky grin that I have seen oh so many times on television.

There stands a man wearing a burgundy red bowtie and suspenders, a tweed jacket and worn leather boots.

He walks towards me with such caution as if I’m about to spontaneously burst into flames in front of him.

“You’re… You’re the Doctor?” my answer comes out more as a question. There was no way that all of this could be real. It’s a fictional TV show for goodness sake!

His face fell slightly and his smile faded into a pout.

“Oh. That’s a shame; you already knew who I am. Where’s the fun in that. I like it when they say ‘Doctor who?’” He replied, still treating me with caution which was really starting to get on my nerves.

“Well, let’s just say I’m not exactly like other people then am I? And you! How can you be you?!” I yell, frustrated at him but more at myself thinking that my mind is playing one of its silly tricks on me.

“Um…Pardon?” ‘The Doctor’ asks, seeming to not have a clue about what on earth I am saying.

“You. ‘The Doctor’. You can’t be real! You’re fictional!” I exclaim, realising that there is no way that this is a trick. This is real, and standing in front of me with an amused grin on his face is in fact the Doctor.

The Doctor doesn’t say anything and instead watches me in as I come to terms that it is really him.

“Oh my. Wow. But… how?” I ask, eager for him to answer my questions.

“It’s err…hard to explain.” I laugh dryly

“Trust me. I can keep up with it.”

“It’s a long story and we’re running out of time here, so you’ll have to make do with the short version for now.” He reasoned taking a step closer to me.

“okay.” I smiled as he took my hand and lead me to a random bench.

“Basically, I told someone who I was and what I did. They seemed to be very impressed and asked if they could make a show out of it. I obviously said yes because who wouldn’t want a show al about them right? It’s just so cool! And it wasn’t like anyone would actually believe in it or take it seriously. Obviously I let them make some stuff up. It’s all for fun really” The Doctor answered. I was absolutely amazed. But I still had a few questions of my own.

“But what about the actors and other people? I mean, I met matt smith well, you a few months ago at a DVD signing.” I questioned slightly puzzled.

“They find actors that look like my regenerations and companions. And everyone who has to do with the show knows about the real me. That’s all really.” He shrugged/

“But all the adventures and episodes on the show. Are they made up?” this was the one question that didn’t make sense to me.

“No, they’re very much real. Same timeline as me and everything! But it’s a little behind as they have to recreate a script, film it blah, blah, blah.” I couldn’t help but laugh at that. The way he said that was so funny. He chuckled a little as well

“So what about you eh? What’s your story…” he asks, trailing off at the end, both of us only now realising the Doctor still didn’t know my name.

“Ella. Ella Dartmoor. Haven’t got time for my story I’m afraid as the dalek should be waking up soon.” I tell the Doctor whilst looking down at my phone.

“What? I thought you paused it! Let me see that.” He snatches my phone, rather rudely and scans it with his sonic screwdriver.

“Hang on… This is sonic. Why did you make your phone sonic? Who has a sonic phone?” The Doctor asked smugly.

“I do!” I said.

“But who looks at a phone and says ‘oohoo this could be a little more sonic’?” The Doctor smirked.

“What? I was creating the software for my phone app and thought it would be a good asset. It’s better than a sonic screwdriver.” Now it was my turn to smirk as his faded.

“Yeah, well mine unlocks doors.”

“And mine. I can identify any life from at a touch of a button.”

“Mine can undo any security code.”

“Mine too. I can hack and control any system that has a basic circuit board.”

“Well… mine has a green light!” he yelled. We both looked at each other before bursting into fits of laughter. We were too busy going into hysterics to notice the awakening dalek.


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