The Genius (Doctor who) Chapter 1

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I look around the room enticed by every single thing I see. Taking in the atmosphere. So much I knew of but had never experienced it in real life.

Where am I?

The doctor who experience in Cardiff. My favourite place in the world.

Looking around I notice that the people here in this place are mostly 10 year old over excited boys and exasperated mothers trying to keep their kids sane.

And then there's me. A 19 year old genius who is obsessed with doctor who. Compared to all these people I stick out like a sore thumb. What other 19 year old in their right mind would be at a doctor who experience just for the fun of it? No one. Just me. The way I like it. Unlike most people I know, I'm an independent person. I can spend hours if not days by myself just working on new software and gadgets I've seen from doctor who. I like a challenge. I like trying to make the impossible possible.

You've seen the doctor's sonic screwdriver right? Well I've invented an app that can hack and reprogram anything with a circuit board. You've seen how he can identify any species just by scanning them with the screwdriver. So can I. The sort of technology I can create and understand is beyond any normal human being. Except for me.

Which makes me believe that I'm different. Unique. But still human. Which makes no sense. Which is why I like to surround myself with stuff that is unreal. Impossible. Scientific. Which is the main reason that I came to love the amazingness that is doctor who.

I walk into a different room And i'm pulled from the dreamlike state I was in. But this room feels different. Its eerily quiet and there's a strange atmosphere about this room. The air around tastes of metal armour. And that's when I see it.

The Dalek. The doctor's most feared enemy. No purpose but to exterminate any other life form. Well, in doctor who anyway. Here, it's merely just an old prop that's been put here as a part of the exhibition.

Excitement of some sort bubbles inside of me as I near the Dalek. It's like there's an invisible rope that pulls me towards it. Looking at it up close makes me realise the sheer horrificness that is this creature. I don't know why but I reach my hand up and go to touch it but I'm shocked to find the Dalek stirring as if its waking up. I walk back terrified and curious as to what is happening.

"Impossible" I whisper.

"IDENTIFY YOURSELF!" It yells at me. I quickly reach into my back pocket and grab my phone.

"Excuse me?" I question, becoming more confident.

"IDENTIFY YOURSELF!" The Dalek says again.

"I don't take orders from daleks." I sneer, surprising myself with this reply. I open up my app and quickly type in various numbers and codes.


"Oh I don't think so" I scoff as I enter a number and smile smugly to myself as I watch the Dalek power down temporarily.

"How did you do that" says a familiar voice from behind me. Turn around in the spot and see a figure stood across the room masked by the shadows.

"Who are you?" I reply curious as to who this mystery person is.

"I'm the Doctor."

The Genius (Doctor who)Where stories live. Discover now