Chapter 4

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Chapter 4

11 am just like normal! I stretched out spreading myself across the whole bed. Then slowly relaxed and opened my eyes "eeeeeeeeek" i yelp as loud as i can ! Tony was stood glaring at me right up in my face.

Eww he had garlic breath i thought to myself "what did you have for breakfast garlic soufflé ?!" I blurted out sarcastically! "Opps"

"Ooops indeed" he finally spoke i looked around the room. I had clearly over sleeped the morning bell because mya, abbie nor anyone for that matter was in the room.

When i was little and Toby ran the place we had to go to bed at 7 and wake up at 7 if not we got grounded. Tony hardly let us out if the house anyway so i usually just sleeped in and too the grounding!

Today was different i didn't want to be grounded i wanted to spend time with abbie and mya and get to know the others a bit better!

"I'm going to let you off the hook today" tony spoke again!

Wow thats a first i thought in my head

"You can do cleaning duty instead"

He added


I didn't reply to him.

Soon after tony left everyone cane into the room.

"Whats wrong?" abbie asked

"Im grounded for over sleeping" i confessed

Everyone giggled

"I have to do the house cleaning" i sighed

"Its fine we'll help you" said mya " then we can all spend the day together and get the jobs done quicker"

"Umm ok if your sure" i asked doubtfully but also hoping that they would say yes, which they did.

We finished pretty quickly just before lunch which was good cause it meant we could spend the day together, i was quite pleased about that!

I could tell that i was going to enjoy life with my new friends! :)

**so what do you think so far .. Sorry if you thought this chapter was cheesy -_- but gunna update a bew chapter soon so keep updated :)- tana**

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