A Girl's Day Out

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Jason's P.O.V.

My sister Cole! You Bastard! I trusted you! Of all people I trusted you!

"Whoa now! She's just as guilty as me here. I didn't do anything she didn't want me to. I just kissed her bro. I wanted to but I didn't do anything. I did ask her out but she refused me. She's upset that I came to tell you. You know I wouldn't lie to you brother.

Why would she be upset about you telling me? I'd rather her see you than those other assholes.

I don't know man but she offered me favors not to tell you. Just let it go. I told her I'd wait here for her answer until morning.

She already turned Aaron down. I talked to him about it but he's been trying to get her to date him anyway then tonight she told him flat out no. She refuses to date. I doubt she'll date you either but good luck. Oh if she says yes, you get to tell Aaron and I want to be there when that asshole hears it. Oh and if you hurt her I'll kick your ass. I don't care if she's a pain in the ass, she's still my sister.

Alright fine but if she says yes then she'll be my girlfriend and you have to give us space.

I know but you will remember she's my sister and you'll respect her to. Oh and those favors...Yeah you won't be getting any of those either. That's why you're here. Friends don't do that to friends sisters. Remember that to.

You know you're an asshole sometimes. I really like Julia. She's not like other chic's. She's actually cool to be around.

Yeah I know. That's why I don't mind you dating her. These other dicks will use her and toss her aside. I can't let her get hurt by them. We have to keep her away from them.

I frown knowing some of her secrets so he grins and asks what I'm thinking.

Well...I heard Julia saying she likes Dalton and doesn't want to lose him as a friend but she knows when he finds out she might. We both know how he is. Do you think we can convince him to just stay friends with her since she only wants to be friends with him.

You heard her say that? She has no interest in dating Dalton?

Yeah. I overheard her telling Melissa.

That's great bro! I can't stand him. I was hoping she wouldn't fall for him but she's been staying the night at his house so I wasn't sure if she maybe could've had a crush on him or something.

No. She only likes him as a friend. She's not interested in him at all. Their only friends. Actually he told her she's ugly and she's mad at him for it.

He what?!

I didn't think before I spoke and Jason gets pissed instantly. He walks to his room and flips open his laptop opening his Facebook pulling up Julia's page.

Tell me how that's ugly! She's one of the hottest chic's he'll ever meet!

Holy shit bro! When did she get those done? She never dresses like that!

Sure she does every days. Those are her newest photos from working with Aaron's mom. She models for her. Am I the only one who pays attention to where she's been going? That's her summer job. Aren't you friends with her on Facebook?

No, but I will be after tonight. I didn't even know she had a job.

Damn Cole, what's wrong with you? Have you been living under a rock? Where do you think she's been spending her time while we're at work or hanging out? Why do you think she's never around?

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