Fun Day

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I woke to a beautiful day maybe I can invite Aph and my friends to my pool. I got out of bed and went down stairs to make breakfast. I texted Aph and asked her to ask everyone to see if they wanted to come over for a pool party. They all said yes. I set everything up and there was something missing I forgot to invite Zane.

(Zane: Z)
Y/N: Hey I was wondering if you wanted to come over for a pool party everyone is coming

Z: Um I'm not sure

Y/N: Pleaseeeeeeeee

Z: Fine what time should I come

Y/N: 2:30

Z: See you then

I finished texting Zane and put on my bathing suit (picture above) and waited forth em to come.

-few minutes later-

I heard a knock on the door I open it to see everyone even Zane. "Hey guys come in let's go out back and start this party," I said with a smile. Everyone went to my backyard and went in the pool.

"CANON BALL," Laurence said while jumping in the pool. We all jumped in except Zane why does have to be like that I thought to myself. I got out the water and went to Zane.

"H-hey Y/N," he said while blushing a little.

"Zane why aren't going in the water," I asked him.

"W-well," he started to say.

"Come on come in the water with me please," I said while grabbing his hand.

"F-fine," he said while blushing. We got in the water. It was really refreshing we played chicken. I was on Zane and Aphmau on Aaron.

"Aph I will defeat you," I said.

"No we will," she said back.

"You go Y/N and Zane," Garroth said.

"You go Aph and Aaron," Katelyn said. After a few minutes of chicken fighting me and Zane won.

"I told you we would win," I said. Aphmau stuck her tongue out at me. But we smiled after that. I got out of the pool and just relaxed by the water.

"Hey Y/N," Zane said coming up behind me.

"Hey Zane," I said with a smile," are having fun?"

"Yeah thanks to you," he said.

"Well if your happy then I'm happy," I said.

"Hey I was wondering if you wanted to hangout with me tomorrow", he said while blushing and rubbing his neck.

"Sure I would love to," I said with a smile. Yes he asked me to hang out with him I'm so happy I thought to myself. They party was coming to an end we all dried ourselves and went in side.

"Aph want to have a huge sleepover," I asked.

"Sure," she said.

"Do you all can come," I said looking at everyone.

"Sure," everyone said.

"Ok be here by 8ish," I said. I went to the store to grab some snacks and drinks. By the time I went home it was 7:00. I went up stairs took a quick shower and put a F/C t-shirt with some black shorts. Once I was done I set everything up and made some adjustments. I hear a knock on the door and see everyone out side with there stuff.

"Hey guys," I said while letting them in. They sat there stuff down in the living room. "What do you want to do first," I asked.

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