Camping Trip {part 1}

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I was the surprise party when the door open only to reveal Zane. I sighed in wanting to go home because I was tired and wanted to watch some anime. Then the door open again and we saw Alexa and Jane (sorry if those are your names if anything you can change it) and we screamed surprise. The party finally started and we drank and ate. We played games and video games.

-time skipped-

The party was coming to a end and I was heading home cause of how tired I was. I got to know Alexa and Jane better.

A few minutes went by and I was home and inside on the couch watching anime. I got a text from Aph saying if I wanted to come on a camping trip with everyone including Zane. I replied saying yes and I went upstairs and when my head hit the pillow I was asleep.


I woke up with text messages from Aph:


A: Y/N hey the camping trip is going to be on this Friday coming up and we need your car to take some people cause we are taking people.

Y/N: ok who's coming with me

A: Garroth, Zane, me, Aaron, Alexa, and Jane

Y/N: ok~ Well I have to go to work so bye

A: Bye Y/N!

-text end-

I got dressed for work got something to eat and headed to my work. Today is going to be long I thought to myself and let out a small sigh. When I was in my car I heard a song that sounded awesome and started dancing a little and sang along.

(Play song now)

(it sent you to me without wings)

Say a prayer but let the good times roll
In case God doesn't show
(let the good times roll, let the good times roll)

And I want these words to make things right

But it's the wrongs that make the words come to life
"Who does he think he is?"
If that's the worst you got
Better put your fingers back to the keys

One night and one more time
Thanks for the memories
Even though they weren't so great
"He tastes like you only sweeter, "

One night, yeah, and one more time
Thanks for the memories, thanks for the memories
"See, he tastes like you only sweeter."

Been looking forward to the future
But my eyesight is going bad

And this crystal ball
Is always cloudy except for (except for)

When you look into the past (look into the past)

One night stand (one night stand off)

One night and one more time
Thanks for the memories
Even though they weren't so great
"He tastes like you only sweeter."
One night, yeah, and one more time

Thanks for the memories, thanks for the memories
"See, he tastes like you only sweeter."

They say I only think in the form of crunching numbers

In hotel rooms collecting page six lovers

Get me out of my mind and get you out of those clothes

I'm a liner away from getting you into the mood, whoa

One night and one more time
Thanks for the memories
Even though they weren't so great
"He tastes like you only sweeter."

One night, (oh!) yeah, (oh!) and one more time

Thanks for the memories, thanks for the memories
"See, he tastes like you only sweeter."

One night and one more time (one more night, one more time)

Thanks for the memories
Even though they weren't so great
"he tastes like you only sweeter." (oh)

One night, yeah, and one more time (one more night, one more time)

Thanks for the memories, thanks for the memories (thanks for the memories, thanks for the memories)
"see, he tastes like you only sweeter." (oh)

-time skipped to Friday cause I'm lazy>_<-

I was on my couch waiting for everyone to come so we can head out. That's when I heard a knock. Finally you people take so long my Irene I thought to myself and opening the door and seeing everyone. "Finally what took you so long," I said with a little anger in my voice.

"Sorry well let's get going Y/N," Aph said. We all got in and I was driving of course, Zane next to me, Aph between Garroth and Aaron, and Jane and Alexa in the back. I started driving and we had conversations that were pretty funny and little girl takes that the boys just looked confused and weirded out.

-time skipped to arrival-

We finally arrived and saw huge trees and cabins and a beautiful lake with a jet ski and things like that. I was going crazy of how much thing their was to do and yeah.

We got in our rooms. It was a huge cabin that we all fit. "Hey babe~," you could hear Travis say to Alexa but she just flipped him over your shoulder.

"Alexa we are going to be best friends," Katelyn said with a smile from ear to ear. We all laughed cause of her expression.

We all wanted to go the lake and have some fun with each other. I put on my F/C bathing suit and a white overall over it and we all headed out.

"Hey Aph we need to make a plane to get the boys in the water they are sitting there being boring," I said with a evil smirk on my face.

"Yeah, we should ride the jet ski and spray them with the water and I'll grave a bucket and dump it on it does that sound good," she said.

"Yeah but we have to do it soon," I said with a giggle. Me and Aph got into position and started the plan. It was a....

Sorry for not posting sooner I'm just in Orlando for vacation and I didn't have my phone on my all day so I didn't have much to do so yeah. But I will do a lot more when I'm back home so I hope you have a great summer and a safe one and I'll see you later bye.

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