Chapter 4

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I woke up with a text from rossy. She just said that my granny was doing well and should be out of hospital in four days. I phoned my granny and told her about the past few days, the plans for my party and the plans for me visiting. "remember to tell tom not to wear any of that aftershave rubbish. Gets my chest going." she said

"I'll tell him, would you like to meet all the boys? If your not up to it just say." sometimes she can't deal with too many visitors at once

"id love to meet your new friends!" I felt so relieved. She could actually meet them.

We spoke for a little while longer then said our good byes. I went for a shower and went through my usual daily routine. I wore a washed out denim top with diamonties around the collar with black leggings. I braided my damp hair and went down to the kitchen to find kelsey having a cup of tea. "want one?" she asked, pointing at her mug of tea.

No thanks, don't really like tea."

"don't let nathan hear you say that. He'll never speak to you again." kelsey laughed.

I laughed. "what do the boys actually think of me? Sometimes I come across like a freak but I don't mean to." I asked nervously

"you don't come across as a freak. They all think you're amazing. They actually all want to get to know you after you've been away and were wondering if you'd spend a day and night with them one by one? I mean you don't have to but you will be spending a while with them."

"I think I'd enjoy that. Make sure none of them give me too much sugar. Makes me a bit hyper." I laughed.

"I'll let them all know that one." she laughed " want to go shopping for birthday outfits outfits today?"

"sure." I shrugged. I really didn't mind what we did.

"just give me a bit to get ready. I'm not a fast as you. No one is." she said

I waited in the living room while kelsey went to get ready. I went on to soundcloud again and closed the living room door and did a really short mashup cover of the chorus of let it go and rewind by Devlin. It took less than a minute. I changed my display picture on my profile so no one would link it up to me. I'll show tom and Kelsqey when I'm ready.

After an hour of kicking my feet about the floor kelsey was ready. We went to so many shops only stopping once for a starbucks break but I still wasn't sure on what I could wear. Then I saw it. I red dress skater style dress with the back longer than the front and a white collar with gold sequins. It was simple but stunning. It wouldn't make me stand out too much but won't leave me unnoticed. I tried it on wearing a pair of black wedges. It gets really right. I felt really comfortable in it. We bought it and drove home. It was already 6pm. I didn't realise how long it took me to pick an outfit. We ordered in a nandos and ate it happily. Tom came in at around 7. And asked us what we did. We told him but he looked bored. I can't blame him. imagine if he was there though, he would have gotten so impatient. He told us that management think it would be easier if we did the twitcam before I went back to scotland so we can get away from the paps for a week.i completely understood.

"I'm fine with that. We'd have to tell people sooner or later so why not sooner." I was honestly fine with it after finding out the boys are okay with me. I felt really nervous but I suppose anyone in my situation would be I'll need to go through my anonymous twitter and make sure there's nothing that let's people know it's me such such as pictures, people using my real name and links to my other account.I decided to do it right then so I didn't forget what I was going to do. I only had one picture of me and it was when I was doing an outfit of the day picture.its like having two identities. I wonder what the boys would say if they saw my fan account. I won't be able to keep it secret forever. Hopefully if and when they bring it up I'll be able to say "what? That old thing?" "oh by the way my granny wants to meet all the boys when we go to visit but no smelly perfumes or aftershaves are to be worn because it could make her breathing go out of hand again." I spoke up after a while of silence.

"sure thing, do you want to tell the boys yourself?" Tom asked

"sure but I haven't got their numbers" I shrugged

"here, take theirs, big kev, me and Kelsey too."

"sure." I started typing all the numbers into my phone. A text popped up when I'd just finished. I couldn't stop laughing at it. It was from morven... "YOU GOT A 6/6 FOLLOW AND NEVER TOLD ME? !?!" It was so her. I simply text back "yep, just happened overnight." she'll be mad at that. MWAHAHA. I'm such an evil child.

I gave tom his phone back and kept thinking about my party. It's two days away, then there's the twitcam and then going to scotland for a week. Fun. I was buzzing but nervous. Still scared in case fans hate me. Nothing I can do about that. I really wanted mince and tatties but I didn't want to make a huge pan so I text morvens mum asking her to make me some. Shes an amazing cook! I couldn't help but smile when she said it wouldn't be a bother. We all decided to watch a film. We let kelsey chose because I didn't really care. When they were busy watching the film I text the other lads telling them about meeting my granny. They were all fine with it. Shopping that day tired me out so much I had to go to my bed because my eyes were getting really heavy. I didn't even bother getting changed, I just crawled into bed and fell into one of the deepest sleeps I've ever had. I'd better any money I snored and muttered all night it was that good a sleep.

I woke up feeling so refreshed but all sticky and yuck because I slept in the clothes I wore that day.

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