Chapter 16

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Okay chapter 16. :)

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Chapter 16

Bella's P.O.V.

"Okay." Luke said as he got up out of his seat and took a seat next to me. It's about 9:00 p.m. already.

"Umm..What are you-" Luke cut me off by putting his hand over my mouth. I was kind of scared but waited for him to continue.

"Just listen to me." He said quietly. I did as told.

"Look around..." He trailed off and pointed around the room. I wasn't sure what he meant.

"You see the candles..?" He asked.

I nodded,"Yeah. They-" He cut me off by saying 'shhh'.

"Do you see how the lights are dimmed?" He asked again. I nodded, still confused on how this will prove he's not a player and is worth keeping around.

"See how my mom isn't here?" He asked yet another question.

I nodded,"Yeah, how come she isn't-" He cut me off by saying 'shhhh' again. I could see irritation in his eyes.

" know how Jennifer went to see that 'new band'?" He used his fingers as air quotes around the words 'new band'.

"Yeah. That band is-" I continued when I shouldn't.

"Shhhhhh." He said and put his hand against my mouth to keep it shut. He rolled his eyes and continued.

"Well she didn't go see a 'new band'.." He continued.

I was confused. How would he know? And why wouldn't I? And why would Jennifer lie?

I furrowed my eyebrows.

"I know your confused so let me explain." He commanded and took his hand off my mouth.

I mentally frowned when he took it off because I love the tingly feelings everytime he touched me.

"Well do you know what this all means? Do you know what is happening??" He asked.

"Umm...this is one really weird day?" I half laughed.

"No." He smiled.

"Jennifer didn't come to this dinner because I told her not to." He said.

"What?? Why would you tell her that and why would-" He cut me off yet again.

But this time he cut me off with a kiss. He leaned in slowly and cupped my cheek with his hand. He sealed his lips with mine to shut me up. Damn I should talk more often.

He pulled back with a cheeky grin, yet a confused face.

Oh shit. I think I just spoke my mind.

"Yeah you did. You did it twice." He laughed.

"Shit." I said again.

He said,"Well your talking again so shut up." He smirked and leaned in again to press his smooth lips against mine.

I have so many questions. But I don't care I just want to kiss this hunk. I finally closed my eyes and kissed him back. Our kiss is passionate and slow. I moaned into his mouth when he licked my lips. As I did that, he found the opening to my mouth. He stuck his tongue in and began exploring my mouth. It was like heaven. Our tongues were fighting for dominance and our slow kissing started picking up speed. He is one hell of a kisser. I couldn't even put this into words.

Now it was my turn to be agressive. I got up and out of my chair and sat on his lap straddling him, but not completely putting my weight on him. He paused for a moment taken aback my my foward action.


Luke's P.O.V.

She got out of her chair and straddled me. Damn that was hot. But I didn't expect that. I wanted all her weight on me because she's in a dress, but I shouldn't think like that. I'm lucky enough that she's kissing me now. I pulled back from our amazing kiss that I never want to end and looked at her with confusion. She just gave me a smirk and winked at me.

Holy shit. That's hot.

I sat there with my mouth wide open.

"If you just sit there I might have to fill that mouth with something else." She mocked me from earlier and it was hotter when she said it.

I smirked and she rolled her eyes.

I leaned back into kiss her again.

Her lips tasted so soft and sweet. I have been craving her lips since the party and it's un-real. How can such an innocent girl be so good at this. She doesn't know what she does to me. I honestly only like her and I'm finally proving to her that I'm not a player.

She started slowly putting her weight on me and started circling on my lap. Oh my god if she doesn't stop I'm gonna take this too far.

"Shit." I mumbled into her mouth.

"What?" She pulled back.

"If you don't stop I might take this too far." I half laughed but meant it.

"Haha ohh okay." She got off my lap but not without grabbing my byceps and kissing me once more. I moaned into her mouth and she got up to sit back on her chair. She had to fix her dress, but before she did, I got a peek of her laced underwear and it was hot as fuck.

I spoke up after she adjsted her dress.

"So as I was saying...." I trailed off.

"This is a date..." I said quietly and avoided eye contact. I stroked my hand in my hair. Something I do when I'm nervous.

"You mean..." She started, but I cut her off again.

"Yeah..and this is me proving to you that I'm not a player."

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Wooh! Chapter 16 guys! I hope you enjoyed. ;) lol

Cote! :)

~xoxo Nicole

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