Chapter 16

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"So tell me all about it."

Brooklyn's basement had changed since the last time I had been down here. More and more of her things were now here, instead of in her room. Her copy of the Harry Potter Books, the blanket that usually found its place on the end of her bed, her sweaters...

As soon as I got my butt out of bed this morning I noticed at least seven messages and missed calls from both Aaron and her. They were frantic, telling me to come to Brooklyn's right away. Before I left the house I called Aaron and asked what was up, and if she was alright. Of course my mind immediately went to all the bad things that could have happened. She had cancer. But it looked to be getting better; at least that's what the doctor's said.

Turned out Brooklyn just wanted to hear all about last night, and my, 'hot date with James'. Not my words.

"It was good." I said, laughing at their expectant faces.

"They got a flat tire on the way home and walked back under the stars," Aaron added, nudging me.

"What? Really? And then I heard Mr. Interrupter over here came in and totally ruined whatever moment you could have been having." She gave Aaron a look. "You should have at least called me to come with you so I could help crash the party!" We laughed.

"If he hurts you though Skylar, he's going to have two very angry people after him." Aaron swung his fists in the air, trying to look fierce but completely failing.

"Somehow I think he wouldn't have the reaction one would think to a gay male and cancer patient coming after him," Brooklyn said, lying back against the couch.

"What are you talking about, everyone cowers in fear at our names," He looked up at the old ceiling. "And you're doing good right? The doctors said everything seemed great last time."

She nodded and sat up a little straighter. "Yeah, yeah. I just had a little check up two days back, and they just want to do another CT scan up there to make sure everything's going good. Check out the lymph nodes."

I read a few things online about cancer, more than a few actually, and know that if the cancer nears the lymph nodes, which are connected by lymph vessels to form the lymphatic system, a very important part for your body's defense against infection.

"Oh, when's that?" I asked her, feeling anxious once more.

"Tomorrow. They want everything covered as soon as possible, and then they'll choose a course of treatment. All good, you know? CT scans are painless. I would know," she laughed, but it didn't sound right.

"Yeah, of course!" Aaron said, nodding his head vigorously. "And we'll come with you, of course."

"Nah, you shouldn't, really. I'll be fine."

"I've got nothing better to do with my life. School doesn't start for another two weeks, and I've got nothing to do here. We'll come with you," I told her, as it was the truth. I didn't come early enough to sign up for anything, much less a job.

"No, don't come. I'll call you or something, when I'm done. But I better head up and help my mom with supper. You're welcome to stay, if you want." She got up and walked up the wooden stairs. It was obvious she wanted to be alone right now, and as much as I wanted to talk about all of this I had to respect her space.

"I get shotgun then," I told Aaron weakly as we made our way outside to where his car was parked on the road.

The next day, I asked my dad when Brooklyn's appointment was before he headed off for work, telling him I forgot the time she told us earlier. That was a lie. I didn't usually like to lie, I hated it actually. But this was important. We wanted to be there for her.

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