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LAYLA'S POV****************~~

Weeks have went by, i keep myself busy. I never could stop thinking of Michael.

I woke up and did the normal which was showering, getting dressed and then go to the hospital.

I walked down to the hospital, to see everything gone? I turn around trying to figure out whats going on. felt a tug of emergency on my arm, i see Annie.

" We've got to go!" Annie Shouted

" Whats going on?" I asked concerned, she had such a scared look on her face.

" No time to talk Layla! We've got to go now!" She yelled, pulling me making me run with her.

There was a vehicle were all the nurses and most of the troops. What was going on? All of our medical stuff was packed on this truck? Annie and I took a seat, the truck then began to move.

" Okay, NOW would you mind telling me whats going on?!"i asked

" Layla....." She said in a sorrowful tone

" What? Will you please just tell me what the hell is going on?" I ask aggravated

" Layla, The West was attacked last night......They've lost half their nurses and have 28 injured soldiers, and some dead...." She said.

My heart stopped. 28 injured and some even DEAD? I started to breath heavy as i thought of Michael. What if hes hurt?What if he was kid napped? Wha-what If hes even....dead? I felt tear trickling down my cheeks.

" Oh my gosh." is all i could say. I looked around to faces of nothing but worried girlfriends. I grabbed Annie's handed and held tight, for i was scared of what was to come when we arrive to the west. The ride there was so quite, Annie and i didnt even speak another word. It seemed like eternity till we reached the West.

I could tell we were getting close as i saw smoke in the sky , heard yelling and the sound of vehicles. My heart started pounding. 

The truck finally came to a stop," Come Ladies! Quick, we need you working on anyone you see and soldiers help clean up the camp!" A man yelled rushing us off of the truck.

Annie and I ran, trying to find Paul or Michael. We didnt split up cause it was so crazy here that it would be faster this way.

Annie and i pushed our way through a group of people, looking through them to see if one was Michael or Paul.

" ANNIE!!" We heard someone yell. We both shot our heads in the direction we heard the voice, there stood Paul. We ran over there.

" Oh my gosh your okay!!!" Annie yelled, jumping on him hugging him crying.

Annie was back on her feet, i gave Paul a hug in relief he was alright.

" Paul, Where's Michael?" I asked looking around, they're usually always together.

He had a sorry look on his face, not answering me.

" Paul, Where is Michael?" I asked once again in a more demanding tone.

Paul grabbed my hand leading me somewhere. He walked us to where all the patience's were. I was standing right behind Paul when he stopped, i wasnt able to see past him.

" Paul Wh-" I was speechless once, Paul moved out of the way. I couldnt believe my eyes.

" Michael?" i whispered,as i walked to his bed side.

He didnt respond, I looked back at Annie and Paul, they both were looking at the floor in sorrow.

I ran my hand down Michael's arm, grabbing his hand holding it tight. I let go of his hand then started to run my fingers through his hair. I stood there trying to find the strength to ask the hardest question in the world. He had a bandage around his stomach, bruises and cuts on his body.

" Layla?" I heard Annie speak.

" Is he alive Paul?" I asked with tear flowing down my face in fear of the answer. 

" Yes..He's alive. He just had surgery done." Paul answered.

I feeling of relief came over me but i was still scared as hell.

I pushed the hair out his face, kissing his forehead.

"  I love you" I whispered to him.

" Layla, im sorry but we need to get to work." Annie said lowly.

" Okay, Lets go." i said walking pasted them.

That day Annie and I worked out about 15 men and women. They told us we were spending a week here to help them. After the was over with , i went to see if Michael was awake yet, but as i walked closer to where he laided i noticed they were preforming surgery again. I couldnt bare to watch. I turned away to go find Annie and Paul.

" was he awake?" They asked.

" no, they were doing surgery on him again..." i answered lowly.

We all slept on little coots that night, well laid there i guess you could say, i didnt sleep. 

I got up the next morning, we all had to go eat before anything. They told us " We need you guys to be strong, so you will have to eat before doing anything." So thats what we all did.

After eating, Paul,Annie and I went to go see if Michael was awake. As we got to Michael's bed , the head Doctor was standing there writing something down. 

"Hello, how are you guys today?" He asked still writing.

" I've had better days." I answered

" I'm guessing you know Mr. Jackson?" He asked

" Yes, i'm his girlfriend." 

" Well he's doing okay, but needs a lot of rest. Lots of sleep, so please dont keep him up for to long." 

I nodded in agreement. The Doctor left. I stood at Michael's bed side, I ran my fingers through his crazy curls , pushing them away from his face like the night before. 

I then felt Michael grab my hand, pulling it away from is face. He held my hand, and gave me a weak smile not opening his eyes.

" Hey baby." I said in crackly voice trying to not cry. 

"Hi, Beautiful" He said in a weak voice.

" How are you feeling?" i asked

" Better now that your here." He answered opening his big beautiful chocolate dreamy eyes.

i stood there just looking into his eyes, being grateful hes alive.

" I love you baby" He said taking my hand rubbing it on his cheek.

" I love you more" I said letting a tear escape. He then shook his head 'no' . i giggled at his reaction.

" Baby, you need to get some sleep." I told him. He shook his head ' no' but slowly closing his eyes.

" Ill be here waiting for you, I love you" I told him before he fully went back to sleep.

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