Chapter 7

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Message in a bottle

Kwon Seojin

During the rest of the period, the couples around us were already splitting parts or practicing the song they would audition with. Meanwhile, Sandeul and I were fighting/debating on what type of song to sing. “What’s so wrong with English songs?!” I spat at him. “I told you my English skills suck! Can’t we sing that and Rain song? Please~ Anything but English!” Sandeul pouted and tried to use aegyo on me. He seriously did resemble a squirrel. Or a bunny. Hold on, I think I found a new nickname for him. I slumped my shoulders and glared at him. “Fine, Bunnydeul, we’ll go with your suggestion then.” I gritted my teeth while he furrowed his eyebrows. “Ya! Who are you calling Bunnydeul-“

“Alright class, we’ll see you next week!” Mr. Jin announced. “Have a good weekend and practice well for those who are auditioning. The audition dates and times will be on the bulletin outside. You are now dismissed!”

Everyone grabbed their bags and hustled out the door. Some came to stay with Mr. Jin and Ms. Hwang to chat or ask questions. Sandeul and I made our way outside the building meeting up with the others who were near the school gates.  “Where’s Gongchan?” Sandeul asked. “I’m right here!” Gongchan had rushed out of the building to where we were with a few papers flying out from his binder. “Okay, now that we’re complete, let’s go get some ice cream or something!” Shinwoo suggested. “Yeah! I do crave ice cream!” Baro threw his hands up in the air and ran in front of all of us. I pulled out my phone. I totally forgot that I had to pick up Joonhee and Kyungwoo. I guess I’ll text them. Did they bring their phones?

Joonhee, do you guys mind walking home today again?

A few seconds later I got a response. Thank God.

No need to worry, unni. We’re already home^^

Really? Who picked you up?

Mom and Dad. They said to come home early for dinner tonight

Okay then. Finish your homework, araso? Tell your brother that too.

Okay. Wait, where are you anyways?

Getting some ice cream with friends

Get us some?

I’ll try. It’ll be melted!

Never mind then. Have fun and eat well, Unni!

I put my phone back in my pocket and followed the pack into the creamery.

“Ooohh~ Noona! Can you buy me some? I forgot my wallet at home” Gongchan poked my arm numerous times to try to get my attention. “Ya! Gong Chansik don’t even start!” Baro stuck his tongue out at him. Gongchan went away and nagged the rest of us. I laughed to myself. I looked at the menu and the ice cream behind the glass counter. I’ll go with green tea. Or vanilla. Or maybe both! I worked hard this week; I guess I deserved two scoops. I pulled out my wallet from my bag and looked for some money. I cursed underneath my breath. I didn’t have any. I need to get a job…

I was about to get out of line until someone pulled me back. “Where are you going? The line’s long!” Sandeul pointed behind him. The line was long. I felt my cheeks getting hot. “You see, I kind of..” He looked at me with confused eyes. “You what?” He asked. “I don’t have money…” He laughed for a split second and asked me what flavors I wanted. ”Sandeul it’s okay-“ I hesitated “Tell me!” He cut me off “Okay fine! Green tea and vanilla!” This guy has some way of insisting. Once he paid for the two cones he gave me mine and started licking his. “You don’t owe me.” He said as he leaded us out the park outside where the others were already. “Thanks, Sandeul” I murmured not aware that he heard it. “Don’t mention it.”

Jinyoung and Eunae met up with us. “Hey, why do you guys only have one cone?” Baro got up from his seat and questioned the couple. “We’re sharing!” Eunae licked followed along my Jinyoung. “Eww, don’t you guys eat each other’s saliva then” Gongchan grimaced. “You wouldn’t understand Channie” Shinwoo patted his head. I loved how everything was so entertaining with these guys. I sat down on one of the swings and saw Gongchan walking up to me, pretending to sniffle. “What’s wrong?” I asked. “Baro hyung...threw my ice cream on the ground.” Baro whipped his head and turned to us. “Ya! It was an accident! I’ll get you another one next time. Man the hell up Channie!”

“Hey, no vulgar words, there’s a minor!” Jinyoung came in between the two.

“Hyung! I’m not a minor! I’m 16!” Gongchan sat on the swing next to me

“I’m not talking about you! I’m talking about the choding who just tripped and dropped his ice cream.” He pointed at Sandeul who was cleaning up the remains of it. We all laughed and Sandeul looked up. “It’s not funny!”


“Higher, Hyung!” Gongchan yelled as Shinwoo pushed him on the swings. It’s been an hour and we’re still entertained by this little kiddy park. I lost sight of Jinyoung and Eunae but I heard kissing sounds and soft groans. Ew. I sat alone on a bench and watched Baro and Sandeul chase each other around the park. Afterwards, “My first kiss” starts blasting out of Baro’s phone and they start doing the bean sprout dance. It was so contagious that Gongchan and Shinwoo joined them, and even Jinyoung and Eunae came out of their hiding spot and did it too. I laughed at how childish these people were. I checked my watch once again and my eyes nearly popped out of their sockets. It was 7:45? How the hell did an hour turn into two?I looked up at the sky. It was dark already. I waved my hands to get their attention but they didn’t notice or hear me. If I just left, Eunae would worry…I’ll explain when I see her. I grabbed my bag and started walking home.

Lee Junghwan

Where was Seojin? I thought she was just sitting on the bench waiting for us. Gongchan, Shinwoo, Baro, Jinyoung and Eunae continued to make fools out of themselves as I grabbed my backpack and looked for Seojin. It turns out that she was leaving. I checked my watch. 7:45? What time was her curfew? I followed her, not to be her personal stalker or anything, but to make sure she got home safe. It was just like last time. I was curious so I followed her but I think she got the wrong idea and feeling. We passed by the supermarket that was around the block and saw a group of guys eyeing her as she passed by. I glared at them and they looked away. I stopped and hid behind a bush as soon as she went inside a blue house. She lives across from me?


I felt like I was being stalked again. It’s so creepy! “Hey Umma!” I greeted her as I passed her by in the kitchen. “Hi, I made your favorite!” I walked up to the stove. “Jjangmyun?! Thank you!” I kissed her cheek and she told me to wash up and call the kids down. “Hi Appa” I said quietly as I passed by him in the living room. He was working on some business papers. He looked up and gave me a heartwarming smile. “Hey sweetie!” I gave him a hug and briefly sat next to him. “How was your first week of school?” I told him about Eunae and how we hand out with a bunch of dorks. “They sound nice. Invite them over for dinner once, araso? Now go wash up!” He gave me a little nudge before I ran up the stairs.

I was too lazy to come in both of their rooms so I banged on both of them. “WHAT?!” They both came out and screamed at the same time. “Come down for dinner…sheesh.” I walked to my room which was at the far end and changed into some clothes. I tied my hair into a bun and was about to go back downstairs until I got a text message. I rummaged through my bag, looking for my phone and found it. Eunae? Why was she calling? She never called. I think I received 1252345 phone calls from Eunae, a good 300 from Gongchan, 200 from Jinyoung, 30 from Shinwoo, and 1 from Baro. Huh, that’s so thoughtful of him. I dialed Eunae’s phone number again to not make her worry.

Yah! Where the hell were you? We’ve been looking all over for you! And Sandeul too!

I went home since you guys wouldn’t pay attention to me. Calm down!

Calm down?!

Easy, babe~ I heard Jinyoung from the other line

WHERE’S NOONA? IS SHE ALRIGHT?! Gongchan panicked.

I’m home okay? Don’t worry! Now if you excuse me, my bowl of jjangmyun is waiting for me.


I hung up and snickered. I wonder where Sandeul went. I put my phone down on my desk and rushed downstairs.

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